Friday, May 1, 2015

Get Your Life in Order/Ourselves (May 1-7)

Get Your Life in Order/Ourselves
Hello friends! Welcome back to month four of our yearly/monthly/weekly challenge. I am so grateful to join you here.!
This month's focus is on our Ourselves
Does this excite or frighten you? I hope it excites!!

Let me back up and welcome new comers while inviting you to join us here, now, or to back up and see the progress we have made these last three months. You can do that by clicking here or by checking out the Label for 2015 Challenges. (The later is found along the side here--->)

So...I have to be honest and post the obvious: this sounds like a superficial topic for a monthly challenge, right? Yes, I think so as well.
Let me tell you, I didn't want to start here. Funny, but I would almost rather do a month's worth of cleaning or filing so that I feel accomplished at the end. 
But then I realized that this -that WE- are important too, and so this month's objective is important by association.
In the upcoming months, we will be focusing on others plenty, and I am one of those people who believe that you cannot love another (properly) until you love yourself (properly). 
So let's begin with us...!

This first week of May is likely gorgeous wherever you are. I sure hope it is. 
What a fantastic reminder to feel gorgeous (or handsome) ourselves! 

We are splitting this month into four categories (one per week). These include:
week one: inner body
week two: outer body
week three: mental
week four: extras

Welcome to week one, INNER BODY challenge.

It occurred to me as I sat down to  make a dental appointment for Zeplin (my four year old), that I also was due to have one. As a matter of fact, Demitri (my two year old), and Big Strong Man (my husband) were also in need. 
Our house was in dental distress. 

Funny how it happens, but I now wear glasses and realized that I was getting headaches with my four year old prescription, so I needed to get on the ball and make a visit with my Optometrist as well.  
Conclusion: I need to take better care of me.
We need to be taking care of ourselves!!

When was the last time that you had a dental appointment? 
If you wear glasses or contacts, or if you are having vision problems, consider an eye exam. 
Are you having ear problems? An Audiologist can help!
If you have not been seen by your primary care physician, how about a well visit for a full physical?
If you are of age, are you up to date on your Pap Smears? Mammograms or Prostate exams? 
And lastly, what about your family history? 
If there is a medical history in your family, diabetes, cancer, heart issues, etc., make certain to talk with your primary care physician and, if needed, a follow-up appointment with a Specialist.

Get it in writing!

So friends, our challenge for this week is to make appointments! You will likely not be able to schedule all of these for this week, but getting them all on your calendar is a huge step for your inner body!

Take care of yourselves friends! -

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