Friday, May 15, 2015

Get Your Life in Order/Ourselves (May 15-21)

Get Your Life in Order/Ourselves
Welcome to week three! 
We are back and working on our own personal challenges: Ourselves.
Our month has been based off of this list:
week one: inner body
week two: outer body
week three: mental
week four: extras
Which means that we are onto our mental selves. Exciting!

If you are new, please check out this link to start from the beginning, or join us here. You can also clink on the link under Labels located off to the right side of this post.

This week, let's do some soul searching
Are you invested in a church or place of worship? If you are not, why not check into someplace this week? If you are already, why not challenge yourself to go deeper? A retreat? A Bible study? Joining a member's group?
Are you interested in knowing more about God? I am here for you (I am, really, as best as I can be), and I know that their are plenty of other resources: friends, the Bible itself, getting alone and seeking God. No voo-doo, just truth people.

How about a week of relaxation?
Is sleeping-in an option? (Even just once this week?)
How about relaxing with a new book and mug of chai (yum!) while your little ones destroy their room...just this once? 

This week is about clearing out the junk in our minds. 
Breathing easier.
Getting ourselves, mind, body, and spirit, in order.

What kind of information runs through your mind? 
Is there a way to settle it?
For some of us, simply placing a notebook and pen next to our bed and transferring thoughts onto paper will help.
For some of us, tackling that one thing in our lives that we have been putting off for as long as we can remember will make a insurmountable difference. 
How about giving someone that long-deserved call?
Asking for forgiveness?

This week is a challenge, no doubt. I have faith in you friends!-

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