Friday, May 22, 2015

Get Your Life in Order/Ourselves (May 22-31)

Get Your Life in Order/Ourselves
And here we are, at the end of the month!
We are taking care of our health, looking better, and clearing out the junk in our heads- we are so cool!

Week four is all about our extras

If you are new, our month has looked like this:
week one: inner body
week two: outer body
week three: mental
week four: extras
And you can join us here or check out the link under Labels over here --->,
or even go to this link. Easy-peesy.

This week is allowed to be fun- and I sure hope it is!
Our challenges for this week are these:

We are going to get moving! 
Go for a walk, join a gym, dust off our outdated yoga DVDs. 
You may have a goal along the lines of weight-loss or physical sculpting -and that is fantastic!- but this is also about raising endorphins and boasting our spirits! 

We are going to treat ourselves to a date.
How about taking ourselves out to the movies? 
Buying a new pair of nice flats or Sperrys? (And if you aren't pregnant or currently wearing an infant on your person, splurge on heels!)
A nice cup of coffee? -and don't feel obligated to get the cheap gas station stuff, stop and sit at an actual coffee shop, you may decide that you love it there!

There are 10 days remaining for this month's challenge. Back-up if you need to or spend an extra day on yourself- a second date?- and make certain that, come the 31st, you are feeling like gold!

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