Friday, May 8, 2015

Get Your Life in Order/Ourselves (May 8-14)

Get Your Life in Order/Ourselves
Welcome to week two of May's challenges!
As a reminder, this month is about you! 
Taking care of Ourselves is this month's goal.

If you are new, please go here or check out the link under Labels located over this way -->

Last week I mentioned that this month is broken into four challenges for our bodies:
week one: inner body
week two: outer body
week three: mental
week four: extras

This week is about our outer body. I imagine this week will be a little lot more fun than last week. You're welcome.

Friends, let's get ourselves looking good. 
Looking good helps us to feel better about ourselves. 
I think this is scientifically proven. 
Just saying.

Whether you are a male or female, weed through this upcoming bullet points and decide what works well for you. Here goes:
*Hair cut

*facial hair-care (My B.S.M. loves this! He feels like he's gone to the spa or something...and NO! don't schedule a spa appointment yet, that's upcoming!)
*new eye-glass frames
*Have I missed anything? Please comment and inspire us!

Keeping in mind that this week's challenge is just stuff in the end, 
don't forget to feel good just being you.

Go feel special!-

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