Monday, May 4, 2015

When God Tells You To Exercise

When God Tells You To Exercise

A friend (and fellow Blogger) once wrote a post about how she needed to lose weight. She is all-of 110 lbs and most certainly did not need to lose any weight...until I read her rationale. 
She needed to stop carrying the weight of her world on her shoulders. To lighten her load.
Drop the weight.
This is good, grasp this, readers!

Zeplin is playing soccer this year. *So cute* His uniform is light blue and white and, what can I say, he's adorable! Although he showed lots (tons and tons, really) of enthusiasm to join the soccer league, he isn't quite as excited to participate.
                  * He may have walked in circles around the spray-painted circle in
                      the middle of the field last week while his team mates and
                             opponents kicked the ball around him. May have.*

This is good for him, however, and Big Strong Man and I agree: you start something, you finish it. Given that soccer is still new to him, he is one of the youngest on the team, and this is his first real exposure to team sports, we think he just needs to ride through this adjustment period and he will be just fine. Regardless, we finish the season.
One of the really impressive benefits of this league is that it is a Christian league and so the children are given weekly Scripture verses to memorize.

Funny how this works, but those of us reading and rereading the Scripture to our children cannot help but hear (and hopefully memorize) it as well.

This past week, I heard God speak to me.
I did.
Moses heard God's voice, I believe we can -and do- as well.
Need further assurance? Check this out:

The verse Zeplin was given comes from 1 Peter 1:13. This reads:
                                        So think clearly and exercise self-control.

If you knew anything about my past week, you could easily see the connection.
No, I did not hear God speak audibly, His Words, however, were very clear.

                                (Cute exercising clothing helps to encourage more exercise- 
                                                                  this just makes sense.)

Have you ever heard from God?
Is this crazy to think about?
Do you think I am full of bologna?

The Apostle Paul was first named Saul. Saul hated Jesus and killed Christians. In the midst of that, God spoke to him. Audibly. His life was transformed and he was given his new name, Paul.
You have not -yet- heard from God?
You will.


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