Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Karl and Sophie

Karl and Sophie

When guests grace your living spaces, make funny remarks, and you cannot control your temper.

This past week Karl and Sophie came to visit. It is a ten hour drive, beginning in one state and ending in another, with a total of three additional states in between- or more, depending on which route you take. It is not a weekend trip. It is a week trip- or longer.

Big Strong Man is contracted with a government job and so, once a year, he is, in essence, fired and rehired having a non-negotiable week off -without pay. With Thatcher's arrival six weeks ago, and B.S.M.'s mandatory vacation,  my in-laws decided that it was high-time to visit their three southern grandsons, 37 year old baby boy, and his wifey- their favorite only daughter-in-law .

When Big Strong Man and I were dating, I was working three jobs and had my hair dyed blonde so often it looked real- real enough to fool my future in-laws. It is no secret that they were shocked (horrified, really), to see a brunette walk down the aisle to greet their baby boy on his wedding day.
It is also no secret (and I laugh...kind of) that they would prefer that I had been a natural blonde and that, albeit I would have to sell my right kidney or return to working three jobs to afford it, I return to being a blonde.
But I am not bitter, I have come to laugh.

They are great people, and, once upon a time, we co-lived.
We now live that whooping ten hours apart and, where we once all clashed like the 80's inspired clothing I see on the Carrie Diaries, (<- my late night, stay-awake-while-I-nurse, guilty pleasure-SO good and on Netflix, NOW!!!), we actually get along really well these days.
But, said Karl, family is like fish: after three days, they stink.

I actually really love my in-laws. My sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, and the Mr. and Mrs.
I am, after all, the first Mrs. McFive since Sophie, some 48 years ago.

In the Shoo-Bop-Sha-Wadda-Wadda that was the eight days they were loving on us in person, my big (ginormous, really) mouth spewed some verbal hysteria more than once. Not at them, at me: my hubby, my children, my undisciplined mind and mouth.
At one point, B.S.M. asked if we were off our game that week or if we always argued that much and never noticed?
                                  It is difficult not to notice when you are constantly
                              screaming at your spouse while his parents are visiting.

To make matters that much worse, he is their baby, I am the crazy lady he married.
But in fairness, they had an inclination I was crazy when their only son asked me to marry him...just not a natural blonde. 

All this was, in a nut shell, the last week of my life.
Karl and Sophie have returned to their cabin in the woods way up north, B.S.M. was rehired (but of course), and I am drinking my chai tea and blogging whilst my Littles nap.
Funny how so much transpires and somehow we still manage to morph into a -slightly different- but similar version of ourselves.
                                             Oh, and did I mention, we ate tons of canolli?

I am thankfully (HUGELY THANKFUL) that I have wonderful in-laws.
I hope you do, too,

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