Wednesday, June 17, 2015

All Things Baby (Save Your Money, These Things are Crap...and You'll Soon Have Enough of That)

A well thought out list of're welcome
Filling that Belly:
 -BOTTLES- yes, really. You may not need any. A few are fine, just in case (you can buy more later [if necessary], otherwise they take up too much space).
-BREAST PUMP- Ok, double standard: if you are going to use one, invest in a good one, they can be amazing!!!! Hand pumping was not friendly to me...just saying. If you are going to pump, great!, but I found this to be a waste of time since I could be holding my baby instead of pumping.... If you are returning to work, someone else is watching baby, or you get sick, pumping does have its place. Otherwise, you think that pumping will save you time, but it doesn't. When your baby is drinking from a bottle, you STILL have to pump to keep your production going. It's a useless cycle.
-STORE BOUGHT FOOD- I have another double standard here. They ARE convenient, and you can now purchase baby food without artificial garbage in it, however, you can also MAKE YOUR OWN, and save your money!! This is better for the environment, better on your wallet, and could be better for baby (you know everything going into your baby's body).
-LANSINOH (the breast goop)- Everyone will think they are doing you a favor and buy you a tube of this when you say you are planning on breastfeeding. Thank you but.... This stuff has the same consistency of Vaseline (i.e. eww), plus IT ISN'T NECESSARY. If you have sore nipples (and if you breastfeed, you WILL), try this: rub your very own breast milk onto your nipples.

 Things that go Phew!
-CHANGING TABLE- Honestly, does anyone still use these? The truth is, your couch, bed, and even the floor will probably see more of your baby's bum. Invest in a few extra baby blankets and, wa-la, you have everything you need for a diaper change.
-Speaking of DIAPERS... consider using cloth diapers. Saves you lots of money (and by lots I am talking thousands on average). *A tip I learned, you DO NOT Have to change baby's diaper the very moment it gets will be fine and you can save time/money here. Also, you DO NOT have to use a wipe every time you change baby. Maybe that last one is a little gross, but it is not necessary.
 -PEE-PEE TEEPEE- Your little one will pee on you someday, it is inevitable. Carrying that little teepee around hoping to contain the mess is just one extra (unnecessary) thing to do. NOT WORTH IT.
- DIAPER WARMER-Yes, this is fun and sounds like a great idea, but unless you live in Alaska or the Dakotas, you likely do not need this. it is just ONE MORE thing to have.
-DIAPER GENIE- There is a temporary stifle of  the stink but WOW, will you make up for it all at once when you empty your bag. It's a giant poop fest in there. 

-JOHNSON AND JOHNSON- This stuff is crap!! You will waste money on cute bottles but more importantly, look at the ingredients: wasteful and harmful!! (see below)
-Let me be loud and clear when I type this: YOU ARE NOT A BAD PARENT IF YOU DO NOT USE DREFT DETERGENT. As with everything, you should look-up the pros/cons of the products you use. Here is what I have to share about Dreft, I am not a fan.(see below)
So now, what should you use? If saving money and using safe ingredients are enticing to you, consider making your own detergent/soap or review other baby-safe brands.
As always, I advocate PURE CASTILE SOAP as it is ALL NATURAL, ORGANIC, so-on and so-forth. 
**Here are reviews on Johnson and Johnson baby products, Dreft, and Pure Castile soap (If they do not show-up as a link, just click on the name above to read more about why you should run away from these products.)

-FULL BODY PILLOWS- So here's my soapbox: they cost a ton of money and you will likely only use them a short would be kind of odd to cuddle one after baby has arrived...and I don't think your hubby would appreciate it either. It would make more sense to invest in a pair of newer, standard sized pillows- something you can sensibly use forever after. Not only will these save you money and space, but you can wash them much easier and the pillow cases are less expensive. All around win.
-BASSINET- Not necessary. 
-CONVERSION CRIB- Every new parent finds his and her way into Babies R' Us and gets giddy at the conversion cribs that grow with baby. First a beautiful ($500) crib, next an exquisite toddler bed- fantastico!! ...this one can even be the full-grown bed my 18 year old child will someday sleep in!
Here's the truth, after dropping umpteen hundreds of dollars on the designer crib your little one needs, you will likely not have enough to purchase the ADDITIONAL RAILINGS and thingamajigs needed to convert your crib into a toddler and adult bed. If you do have that kind of money, you can purchase these but then you have to find somewhere to store them. last note on your dream crib: it WILL (very likely) get scratched up and chewed on, i.e. is the $500 crib really better than the $150 one in the long run?
-TODDLER BED- in general, WASTE OF MONEY. If you are concerned that a full or twin sized bed is too much for your little one, try JUST THE MATTRESS on the floor. Yeah, a little ghetto-like, but your kiddo will love it and you just skipped an unnecessary (and costly) piece of child-debt.

Here are some tips to save extra money:
Consider making your own food, wipes, detergent, and body products.
Invest in PURE, ORGANIC, UNREFINED coconut oil. You can use this as a body lotion for baby (and self) and this is also a WAY SUPERIOR form of diaper rash cream (which is also cloth diaper safe).
Cloth diaper (Statistics here)
Your baby will not need every piece to every tinker toy ever. Limit the toys.
Wait on purchasing MATERNITY CLOTHES or forgo them all together in-lieu of clothing the next size up. Chances are you can save money. If you are pregnant during the warm/hot months, invest in summer dresses which magically can be worn when and when not pregnant.

**Interested in more? Check out more gomommyblogger baby posts: 

All Things Baby: Actual Important Things New Mommies Should be Spending Time On (Decorating Baby's Room is Actually Not that Important, Mommy)

All Things Baby (Must Haves)

All Things Baby (Reality) 

 Mommy Peer-Pressure

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