Wednesday, June 17, 2015

All Things Baby (Reality)

A few tid-bits...I promise to keep this one short.

You will likely not have your pre-baby body back when baby is nine months old...maybe not even nine years old. Learn to love your body WHERE IT IS AT. Heck, it housed another human in there!

You will choose Facebook over tummy time. At some time.

You will drink coffee again...even when you swear you will wait until baby has nursed for an entire year.

It will sound like the most reasonable way to "get yourself back" and "take control" after you give birth when you think cutting all of your hair off will magically make life easier.
It may.
It may not.
You will suddenly desire to do something big and drastic to prove you still "have it". Think this one through, though. (And around month three you will waver back and forth on a daily basis when your hair begins to shed like crazy. This all goes with the mommy territory.)

Mommy Peer Pressure does exist. Just try to remember, You did not enlist in a competition and you do not have to be that mom. Be yourself, that's who baby wants anyway.

Stock up on maxi pads...yeah, exciting femininity coming your way


**Interested in more? Check out more gomommyblogger baby posts:  

All Things Baby: Actual Important Things New Mommies Should be Spending Time On (Decorating Baby's Room is Actually Not that Important, Mommy)

All Things Baby (Must Haves)

 All Things Baby (Save Your Money, These Things are Crap...and You'll Soon Have Enough of That)

Mommy Peer-Pressure

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