Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Mommy Peer-Pressure

Why do we do this?
Before I became a mommy, I rarely knew the extent of Mommy Peer Pressure. Being a 4.5 year Veteran, I have came to a conclusion: all mommies have this thing in common- we feel the need to compete.

For those of you who believe you somehow escaped unscathed by m.p.p. (<why does this make me want to sing, "you down with M.P.P.?, yeah, you know me!") my apologizes.
I have noticed this countless times, and between friends and strangers alike.

When you dream about how YOU will somehow DO IT ALL.
You will be that all natural mommy and baby team;
that (I can always) find (more) time to d.i.y.-everything mommy;
that schedule-exploding, playdates-by-the-dozen, my-child-must-be-involoved-in-every-activity-under-the-sun, cannot-stay-home-for-fear-of-missing-out, momma;
the good-intentioned supermom who homeschools, has a soccer team worth of children, and still sings in the church choir;
the sans nursing cover whilst breastfeeding, baby-wearing, amber necklace owning, knows what a Diva-Cup is, momma:
and the my-house-must-be-immaculate-at-all-times- because my children will be different from every other pee-on-the-floor, dirty-hands-on-the-wall momma.

These are just a few. For real.

This post came to me out of the desire to be all Kumbaya with mothers of every stance because I do believe we all want the same end goal: happy, healthy, God-Loving children.

It doesn't erase the pressure, though.

The unfortunate truth is that you will likely Pintrest yourself into baby extravaganza depression at some point because you cannot make that look like that, instead yours looks like that and, well, ugghhh! And some other mommy will be cloth diapering her lovey and making homemade baby food from scrap whilst do the conventional Wal-Mart thing.  And your house will be a mess but you will be too tired to do anything about it and you will begin to compare yourself to Mommy Perfect down the street who has a clean bathroom, no dishes in her sink, a smiling baby, and took time to curl her hair this morning.

Friends, I think we all do this. The long and the short of it all is this: you are who you are, and you are a wonderful mommy! Write this on your mirror, adopt it as your mantra. Live it. Believe it.
And be nice to your mommy-self.

Don't despise the mommy who drops all her baby weight quicker than you, and don't judge the mommy who returns to work. You just have to imagine that every is doing what is best for her family, her circumstances, her self.
Have you seen this yet? This will offer you a better look...comical and sad as it is:

I believe in an Almighty God. He knows what He is doing (even when we do not), and He brought your baby to you and you to your baby.
You become a Team.
All the best mommies!!!-

**Interested in more? Check out more gomommyblogger baby posts:   

 All Things Baby (Reality) 

All Things Baby (Save Your Money, These Things are Crap...and You'll Soon Have Enough of That)

All Things Baby: Actual Important Things New Mommies Should be Spending Time On (Decorating Baby's Room is Actually Not that Important, Mommy)

All Things Baby (Must Haves)

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