Wednesday, June 24, 2015

O.K., Don't I Get a Prize? (I Resisted Until Now)

Today I bought my first E.O.s- go me.

I know E.O. (Essential Oils) are all the rave these days, but can I tell you I put up one heck of a good fight? With companies like dōTERRA® and Young Living® dominating the world (or does it just feel like that to me?), I felt overwhelmed by all my friends who were suddenly E.O. crazy and further added to the hysteria with continual E.O. sightings on blogs. ...can a girl clean her house au naturel and not go into debt over an itty-bitty bottle of oil? Apparently not.

So I caved-in, threw my hat in the ring, became one of a million. Today I bought two bottles: Tea Tree (Melaleuca) and Sweet Orange.


While I am not here to endorse any E.O. company (You above are welcome, although I give neither of you business), I will state this. Essential oils are trendy and expensive. I don't know if they are "essential". I don't know if they will slowly take over your medicine cabinet and cleaning supplies. I don't know if they are worth this kind of attention. I only know that I would like to sanitize my counters with more than plain white vinegar (love you as I do) and I have a sudden obsession with Orange Degreaser. So I gave up the fight.

Are you an E.O.G. (essential oils gruppie)?
For the love or hate of it all,
p.s. stay tuned for a review- you bet I'll have one!

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