Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A Home-Made Valentine's

A Home-Made Valentine's
Three frames hang on our hallway wall.
They do not match in shape, color, or even the directions in which they hang.
Pintrest has ruined me for the better.

Back in this post: A Very Homemade Christmas, I first introduced the three-
frame wall when it was all festive with Christmas decorations:

Well, it's back, and this time it is ready for February.
This is such a simple post, but when I am being honest, I can confide that I am
sitting here typing about this for two real reasons:
1) I do not want to forget how much I enjoy it (decorating), and
2) I am kind of a show off.
Please forgive me.

There is such a great feeling of accomplishment felt when I cross something off
of my daily to-do lists.
When "finish Valentine's decorating" reappeared over and over on my calendar;
when Big Strong Man made a comment about the two still-empty frames in the
hall (only one had anything crafty in it); when the month of February was
half-way over; it was then that  I decided it was time to get to work.
This was like, two days ago.
Here are our highlights, enjoy:

                                                                    Our entry wall
                                 (The hearts far left were made last year. I used thin pieces
                                     of cardboard, cut them into hearts, and added pretty
                                         Valentine's pictures from cards given to us.)
The top-most frame holds some glittered flowers on pretty ribbon and the one below it is up-cycling an I<3 U set of cake cutters which were given to us by a friend.

This was inspired by Angela Thomas (!)
She spoke at our MOPS group last year and 
shared this cute idea for Valentine's Day.
(Each child has a column of hearts and you can write 
whatever you love about each child on them. 
I chose to just write out their name's meanings.) 

So simple!
I simply added some festive ribbon to 
our table lamps and *wham* instant glam!

Admittedly, this is a little plain-Jane, but I actually loved 
the way it turned-out. Very basic and yet festive as well!
(Dollar Tree hearts.)

loving the little (pretty) things!-

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