Friday, July 24, 2015

Executing a Thank You Letter (the Art of the Thank You Note)

Executing a Thank You Letter (the Art of the Thank You Note)

Freshman year of Bible college (please don't ask me what year that was, I am feeling ancient suddenly), my roommate (Shirley Temple meets Snow White) told me that the art of letter writing was lost.  How entirely sad.
Freshman year of Community college, four years later, a friend stopped me in the hall to tell me that she MySpaced me. Yes, MySpace. I asked her what the message said and she told me I had to read it There was nothing of importance to be read, she only didn't want to talk to me in the hall because telling me nothing over the computer was somehow superior than telling me nothing in person. Argh.
I think my Shirley Temple roommate was right.

It is a sad, sad day when we forfeit our pens and paper for cheap status updates.

My friends, let's take back the mail! It is fun for me to make a stack of mail to take to the post office. Letters, cards, doodles my Littles made just because; which I send just because; to anyone at random, just because. (Didn't get one yet? Add your addy and you will!)

Can you imagine the impact a thank you card can have over someone who is likely overlooked?

 ** It isn't rocket science, it's time and heart. **

Does it excite you to find a treasure in your mailbox (anything besides a bill)? Yeah, me too. Sometimes I add confetti to my mail...just because. No one I know appreciates it, but I still ship it.

                                   This site tells you random things that the post office will
                                              let you mail. So fun to do with kiddos...

So I am a little off subject, ein bisschen.  

Somewhere along the line, I began to remember nice things that people had done for me throughout my life and wanted to make certain to thank them. A thank you card it a small and yet huge way of showing that appreciation.

Key pieces of this execution include: 
Sharing the reason behind the card. Thank you for welcoming me into the neighborhood....
Making a memory. I just loved the way you made everyone feel so excited at the game....
Good-will. You are a natural encourager....

My two oldest Littles enjoy decorating the mail with stickers and coloring on it with crayons. They also enjoy putting the stamps on...should you ever get a cockeyed stamped letter from me....

You can thank me for reminding you to thank others and hope that someone thanks you after reading from me why they should write you a thank you and you are likely thanking them as well. You're welcome.  -


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