Thursday, July 23, 2015

Why Nap Time is Not Optional

Sitting here typing, reading a blog post from honorablliving, here, and talking with a friend who recently moved to Florida, I feel this desire to broadcast to the listening world that all three of my Littles are asleep!

Precious Thatcher, 4 months already!

From the time Zeplin was way little, Big Strong Man and I tried our best to get him into a sleeping schedule and to make noise while said son slept. Although this has been at times (still is on occasion), annoying because we have had to leave gatherings early and postpone play dates which overlapped this allotted time, when I stop and realize that I have two hours EVERY DAY which are mine (!!) -it most certainly does merit two exclamation points!

I know that not every parent will see the logic nor will others consider this a worthwhile investment, but I think this is a huge investment with endless dividends.

I can guarantee that 8 out of 10 times, I will have this two hour allotment of time to nap, clean, blog, or read.
I can guarantee that 8 times out of 10, my Littles will take this much needed rest and feel that much better afterwards. Never once has one awoken and said, gee mom, that was a terrible waste of time and effort.

                            (This one is way dark- I know- HOWEVER, I was NOT
                                turning the light on/waking him up) Amazing Zeplin

In truth, as the six year old down the street has asked the question of why my four and a half year old still naps, he needs it. They need it. I need it.

A friend of mine has four lovelies a few years older than mine, they have outgrown their nap times. To keep her sanity (because that is a huge feat come the end of some days) she has her children take mandatory quite time each day. They can sleep, but most often then play. Quietly. 

So I bet you are wondering something along the lines of...
...what if I have a child who will not nap?
...what if I have multiple children, how can I expect them all to nap simultaneously?
...why would I extend so much effort when my child can simply sleep on his/her own schedule and I still get my down time?

Good questions, I am glad I you thought of them.

Although I will state that this may not be for everyone, here are my rebuttals and assessments:

...your child will nap. At some point everyone gets sleepy. You may have a child who puts up more of a fight than mine ever had, and you may wish to give me a stern talking to, but I insist, your child will nap. Working on, prioritizing, and expecting that to happen on some form of a schedule, TOTALLY WORTH THE ENERGY. our family, our sons are 25 and 27 months apart. FROM DAY ONE, (or really, from the most realistic day forth) we have had Demitri rest when Zeplin did. After awhile, they took naps together.

While this is the case, I do realize that there are days in which one or all of my sons just "can't sleep". So long as these are few and far between (the remaining 2 out of 10 I noted earlier), I let it slide. HOWEVER, if there is no sleeping by said children, there IS mandatory quite time.

...the better way of wording the last question is like this: I enjoy down time, at some point my baby is going to need to rest, is it better worth my time to consistently know when that down time will be (and an average of how long it will last), or do I prefer a daily surprise?
Really, it's up to you.

My favorite middle son, delightful Demitri

I enjoy nap time. A LOT.
It is one of my favorite times of the day.

It is also incredibly satisfying to reap the reward of this practice early on. Something like, but not quite, instant gratification.

how about you? -


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