Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Get Your Life in Order/Year Review (July1-7)

Hi Friends!
Can you believe half of 2015 is OVER??!! I happen to find this shocking, but today makes it official: on to round two. 
If you are new to gomommyblogger or the Get Your Life in Order year/month/week challenge, fabulous! Welcome! Please feel free to start here or go to the "challenges" tabs and chose a month/topic to begin with.
Here is a review:
February: The Beginning
March: Important Documents
April: Safe House
May: Ourselves
June: Spring Cleaning

For the month of July, I am hoping to cover a few items but mostly I thought this would be a great time to rest or choose!


Every six months you should be in the habit of changing fire alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, etc. During this time you will want to make certain they are in good, working order, and that you have other necessary like-items, i.e. a working fire extinguisher, fire ladder, etc. (This is covered in more depth in April's challenges.)

Next order of business: catch-up.
Some of you may be behind...I admit, I am. Let's take this time to play some catch-up and aim to begin August fresh!

Last order of July business: rest.
Summer is here and if you have any opportunity to lounge by a pool, go fishing, stay up late or sleep in, you certainly have my permission to do so- gomommyblogger orders.

Until next week,

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