Monday, August 17, 2015


Bills, we all get them, we all despise them. Cable, cell phones, insurance. It seems as though our finances are rarely able to stretch as far as we hope and something is always due.

I am no Debbie Downer-that's just not my style.
I am a practical woman, however, and I know this truth, same as many others do: bills=not my favorite way to spend this money I worked so very hard for.

Fortunately for most of us, like them as we do not, we can afford them. If you are reading this and you cannot afford the life you are leading, it would benefit you greatly to change your habits- but that is a thought for another day. Today's post is about bills and about life.

It is unfashionable to beg, and I will not do so. That written...
My Big Strong Man and I are friends with many wonderful people. Generous, good, people. Decent people. Because neither he nor I, nor any friend, nor anyone reading this post is immune to pain, my husband and I consented to starting a GoFundMe page for some generous, good, decent, friends.

You can view our page for them here.

This is a picture of the friends we are praying for and supporting financially. Please pray for them, and, if you feel led, bless them financially as well.

If you have a difficult time pulling up the link, you can read their story (written by my Big Strong Man) here.
You can also read a post I published at the beginning of 2015 which was written about Rachel. You can read that here.

Thank you,
(p.s. Rachel, when you read this, please don't be upset with us. We love you incredibly!)

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