Monday, August 17, 2015

When God Asks for You to Do Something

This letter written below is intended for friends of ours for which Big Strong Man and I have set up a GoFundMe page. Ideally you can see that page here. If not, however, here is what it looks like:

These are great people who have been praying for help.  I hope this is an answer to prayer. 
Patrick and Rachel have a two year old boy named Jase.  Rachel has been sick for years and found out last year that she has a condition called Crohn's Disease .  She has been in and out of the hospital,  which she calls it her second home, and unable to work for an extended period of time.
Although she has filed for disability, she now has to appeal the decision (which was no). 
Their bills are piling up. 
Patrick, a former Marine, is working two jobs now.  He told me recently he has been praying and is, understandably, exhausted. 
Shannon asked me what we could do to help them. 
I was angry because we couldn't just bail them out, we don't have that kind of resource available to us.  We have been in prayer, however.
In truth, I got tired of just praying and sought the Lord, who I believe has asked me to do something. 
This is what I came up with. 
We have decided as a family we are going to help raise this money no matter how long it takes because we LOVE these great people.
If the Lord should place them on your heart as well, please be obedient and bless them prayerfully and/or financially.
With all our hearts, William (Richie), Shannon, and family,

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