Thursday, August 20, 2015

Bragging on My Boo

Bragging on My Boo 

My Littles are addicted to sugar.
If it has it, they want it.
It can be tuna with sugar....

They play house and restaurant and are always fake-feeding Big Strong Man, baby Thatcher, and myself. Glue sticks are Popsicles; matchbox cars are cake; puzzle pieces, ice cream.

They  remember the sugar they had at Nana's house, church, and the road trip.
It is exciting to them.

A friend of mine is hosting a Book Study at her house and we are working our way through Lysa TerKeurst's, The Best Yes. We met this morning and reviewed chapter four and somehow all of us ladies got to sharing and laughing at how each and every one of our husbands were somehow immune to the disease of dirty-house-can't-breath which we all agreed we felt subject to on a overwhelmingly often scale.

As a rule, I try to never speak badly about my spouse. I love and respect him, so that comes pretty easy.

                                                     This was us that morning at church.
                                                    (Take notice of our phoney watches.)

I did laugh today, though, and I laughed at him. (Love you, handsome!)
He doesn't see the dishes when they pile up and can glide past the mountains of laundry like a skilled athlete mastering an obstacle because his mind says relax and somehow, He. Does.
And you know what else he does?

He does not get upset with me when dinner consists of milk and cereal.

He never demands to know how I spend my hours while he is away working in the elements.

And one more thing (tons more, baby, but just one more for now), he volunteered months ago to do the bed time routine with our sons. <3 Every night, because often times he is not home before dinner, he takes the boys upstairs for teeth flossing and brushing. He does this to be intentionally active in their lives. He does this to honor God. And he does this to be a blessing to me.

After taking the initiative to daily be in my Word, I have been seeking more of God. OUT OF THE BLUE, Big Strong Man asked me if I would get up with him in the mornings and do a Bible Study with him, JUST BECAUSE! He asked if we can start here and progress to Bible Study and mild morning exercise.
Just he and I.
This is not really out of the blue, however, because it has been months and years of my praying that he would take the initiative and lead this house spiritually like the Big, Strong, man I know he is. 

                                    Baby Thatcher smiling to his adoring fans that same morning.
The Best Yes book mentioned above has weekly assignments. This particular week the assignment was to prioritize our schedules- making the time to be intentional. Making time to follow our passions. Find our passions! 

We have been dedicated to getting up early. Most days the boys are still asleep- little angels with their hair all disheveled and the imprints from their blankets having had made criss-crossed lines on their faces, arms, and chests.

We read the True Word of God, we discuss it pray over our day.
How about we be intentionally active as well? Keeping one another accountable by morning work outs? My heart just about leaps out of my chest because these are key items in my life which I desire to share with him- yes!

We wake-up half a week later. Sunday morning. He takes his time getting ready and when he comes downstairs I realize why. Dress slacks, a nice shirt. Long tie. Tie clip. His hair, a fohawk, sticking up at it's peak. Calvin Klein's ETERNITY.
He is recently shaven, showered, and feeling confident.
Confidence is sexy.

I dress as well, white slacks and a teal shirt. We compliment one another well.

As we are headed to church he declares that he would like to buy me a Chai tea this morning and we drive through our favorite Dunkin Donuts. As we are leaving the parking lot he notices a blue car. Pennsylvania license plate. Indiana Colts horseshoe magnet beside it. It is he and I. The PA Yankee girl and the IN Hoosier. We smile.

At some point between the blue car and church, we realize that we had each put on watches this morning as part of our accessories. Since the breakthrough of cell phones and their multitasking abilities, I don't think I have worn a watch. Neither has he. This morning we both do, and neither watch has a working battery. I grin and we both smirk- two of a kind.
I love us! 

My boys will talk to you all day about sugar because they enjoy it so much. I will tell you endless stories about my Big Strong Man for the same reasons. 

My Boo, Love you-

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