Saturday, August 22, 2015

Holy Spirirt, You are Welcome Here

You clicked on this post so I know I can be honest with you. You initiated interest when you pushed the link. So I can say things like Holy Spirit and holiness and, although you can run, you can click away from this post, you may decide to stay.
And I hope you do. Stay.

Because there is power in the name of Jesus! In His name I move and breath and think and love. This isn't my physical person, but the spirit-man inside me- moving, breathing, thinking and loving. The excitement and joy -real joy- I have come to know if all because of Him!

And I read in books like When Wallflowers Dance*  about immature faith and I desire with my every  breath to be more mature in the things of God.
I hear songs*, and there are lots of them, new and full of holy excitement, and my body reacts with goosebumps and sometimes tears and even my arms become lifted high in an act of holy submission. You are God. I am not. You are worthy. You are God!

So I tear out the images which hold me back and I demand in Jesus' name that the strongholds brought into our home- our place of living and worshiping and fellowship, our place where sons lie their sleepy heads and we feel free to take off dress clothes and accept ourselves and one another without reservation- these things not of God must flee and be never again permitted into this holy house. A house full of love for Jesus. For Father God and His Holy Spirit.

Cleansing our thoughts daily in constant prayer. Lifting up the name of Jesus by living a life made to glorify Him. My daily prayer, that I bring glory to the Lord.

Our lives a living sacrifice. Not because we are guilted to do so. Not because we coward from this world. In stark contrast, because we know that living in active sacrifice is actually freeing ad empowering and lovely to it's core! Because we know what real love and real life look like and without God, holy and present, love and life are lacking. Because there is more than a gut feeling of something more, something needed or wanted with earnest desire, but rather a fire inside fanning into flame and refusing to be diminished!

To know that you know that you know! 
Holy Spirit, You are welcome here!

When your life becomes more than living for the next big day and the next steller moment to leave an impression and pray that it's good.  But every day -even the hard days and the long days and the days you wish never came- extends the offer of a loving Father reaching His way through the universe and seeking your very hand. The hand He crafted in love and holds in love and smells and feels and enjoys in love.

Like a parent to a child.
Holy Spirit, You are welcome here.

In waves and echos and moments of supernatural momentum: God is in the midst!

There is no missing out in the arms of God!
There is no better way of life and freedom!

And the empty promises of this world -those chasing after elusive happiness found in layers of clothing we never wear and materials we mourn when lost- they become nothing in response to His invitation of peace and life. Life abundant!
Holy Spirit, You are welcome here!

Thoughts so long having had had the power to keep us back -ugly and stupid and unwanted- become single petals in a dead dandelion's bloom, blown away and never again seen. The seeds of grace and acceptance take up refuge in our hearts and begin to mend and heal and make better than before the very body we reside in.
Our innermost person of spirit, heart, and mind, meets the outward reflection of a heart in love with God Almighty. Our countenance is radiant, our speech is Holy Spirit led, and there is no denying WHO is living in our hearts! WHO was ushered into and welcomed to stay in our midsts. WHO, but the Holy Spirit!

And the things of this world, and the concerns of others, and the discomfort and fear of man begins to fade. Because He sought you and you were found by Him.
Holy Spirit, You are welcome here!

Across this screen, this room of people, this house of family, Holy Spirit, You are welcome here!
To the very hearts of those who seek You. To the very ends of the world.

I seek You.
Like none other. I seek You.

(Start a fire in my soul, fan the flame and watch it grow)

*When Wallflowers Dance, Angela Thomas
*Even So Come, Kristian Stanfill 
*There Is Power, Lincoln Brewster
*Deliverer, Matt Maher
*Holy Spirit, Francesca Battistelli

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