Saturday, August 1, 2015

First Five (Steps of the Day)

First Five (Steps of the Day)

Friends, I have such exciting news!
Last week I completed the book The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst- IT IS WONDERFUL!
I'll confess and tell you two things I know concerning Lysa:
The first is that, she is a great storyteller. I love her lectures, her personality, and her obvious heart for God. Now that said, I typically prefer her seminars and book study clips more than her writing. But that changed when I read The Best Yes because the book was so incredibly addicting and I never wanted to put it down!
The second thing is this: I am so very partial. I know that there are so many amazing women of God who speak, write, and fulfill many other artistic outlets. Why Lysa? For me it is as simple as this: I was invited to a book study of her book, Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl.
It was her personality that drew me in and made me a fan- I think you will become such a fan as well should you read or watch any of her work.

More recent than The Best Yes, Lysa has birthed this amazing app called First5. This free app is designed to awaken you and offer you the Word of God first thing in the morning. You can set your alarm to it's lovely piano option (which is what I chose) and take those five minutes to read a Bible scripture and some notes behind it.
What a great reminder to begin our day in The Word of God and allowing Him to be in the forefront of our minds!

                                                       TSC The Survival Channel
      (The attachment above, TSC, offer a great read on Why and How to Become an Early Riser.)

In response to the reinventing of my schedule (really, you should read this book and you'll understand my lingo so much clearer), I thought I would share my first five steps of the day and offer additional examples to you. Enjoy!

The sound of a beautiful piano wakes me up, it is 6:15am and I am the first one awake.
I take the five or so minutes it takes to read through the piece sent graciously to my phone and play it over in my mind as I check on each of my sons.
As quietly as I can, I prepare to go for a morning jog. This doesn't always happen, but it looks impressive and I did do it that one time (and hopefully many more so...).
As I run, I enjoy listening to worship music and currently have Hillsong United Radio playing on my I<3Radio station.
Once home, I take my stinky self to the shower and begin that part of my day. You know, the one where I get dressed.
My husband (affectionately known as my Big Strong Man or B.S.M.) had suggested last week that we begin reading the Bible together as a first act of the morning- our first together. Yes please!
Make my bed.

I understand this may sound too logistical for some, but I enjoy this. If I get to that point, number five on my list, before my three sons wake-up, I feel as though I have won a race and been gifted with the joy of more time!! Real, tangible, time!

Other items you may wish to include on your first five list included:
*drink some coffee
*brush your teeth
*write out your plans for the day. order...
*pray over the day you are about to have
*kiss your spouse
*feed your pets
*water your garden
*prepare breakfast
*see the sun rise

 What else can you think of friends?

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