Saturday, August 1, 2015

Get Your Life in Order/The Little Things (August1-7)

Get Your Life in Order/The Little Things (August1-7)

Confession, friends.  I am SO far behind. My intentions are well meaning and I was really hopeful that posting these challenges would help to keep me accountable, but I am falling here. How about you?
I hope you can say different and I accept your, ninny-ninny-poo-poo, and beaming proud (albeit smug) smile. In fact, I am happy for you and I mean that.

When I began to consider what the focus this month should be, two resounding themes came to mind:
Slow down there, Speed Racer. You're behind, maybe others are too. Be realistic and likewise chose realistic goals. 
The second thought was: simplicity. 
Ah. Doesn't it just sound refreshing?

Let me back up and Welcome! any new friends to this site. You can jump in with both feet today or start at any month's challenge, beginning here. 

So this week our goal with simplicity at the forefront is this: make your bed.
Yes, you. Adults and children. Make. Your. Bed. Every. Single. Day.
If you like life on the edge, do in as one of your first five steps of the day (you know, after preparing your coffee but before checking your email).

Some friends are already preparing for school's arrival, are you?
Take this challenge and apply it to life. Schedules are good for children and adults alike. When we focus on one activity at a time, and something very easy like this one, we are better able to relax and focus. Better able to live our best because not everything has to be so complicated
Here's to simplicity friends!-

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