Saturday, August 15, 2015

Get Your Life in Order/The Little Things (August15-21)

Week three of August is here, can you believe it?
If you are anything like me, you may have noticed that this year is flying by- fast!
Autumn will soon be approaching so, please, I beg of you, Time, make sure to slow down so we can enjoy our bonfires and pumpkins a little longer!!

Thank you for checking into this week's challenge. If you are new to my blog, welcome, feel free to jump in this week- it's a good one!, or head to the beginnings by clicking here.

This month has been our "slow down" month and we have purposed to be deliberate about making our beds and spending time in the Word of God daily.  This week we move onto getting dressed. -Don't tune me out just yet!!

If you have the grace and are afforded the opportunity to be a stay at home mom (S.A.H.M.) like me, you likely know just what I am referring to. If you have a job which takes you outside of the home, probably not so much.
For those of you who "get it" without my wordy details, this challenge is for you.

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Friends, we must make every effort to get out of our yoga pants and tank tops and face our day- even if our day is hanging out on the floor with the Littles playing Mouse Trap- again.

I adore what I read on a blog once where the author wrote:
Dress for the day you want to have, not the one having you. 
She included a picture of her in frumpy clothing and a sour face and compared it to a picture of her dressed for her day- smiling. (If you know which blog this came from, please message me so I can extend to her the credits.)
-I get her! I understand!

Most days for me, my goal is to be dressed before Big Strong Man gets home from work. It seems so wrong to be in p.j.s come 6:30pm.
On the days which we have no outings planned (which will be fewer as we go with Preschool soon approaching), I can easily look frumpy because, hey, I am chasing kiddos and mopping floors, and the need for pearls and dressy shirts are not there. But for him, for the perception my boys will aquire of how a woman should take care of herself, and for this woman -me!- I am getting dressed!

How about you friend?

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