Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Kitchen Aids

March 19th, 2015

Kitchen Aids
Let  it never be said of me that I am ungrateful.
I am grateful.
When so much "life" is happening, it can become almost boring.
Am I alone here?

Right now I do not feel this way, which is making this post awkward to write, but I have been there, so I get it.

The thought behind this post, as it is with many others, is to have an emotion come up within me and to "get it out there". For you, sure, but also for me. This platform is, after all, my public diary...if ever such a thing existed. A way for me to work through my thoughts and get them from my head to some paper...or a post.

As we sat to eat lunch, chicken rings and crinkle fries with honey, Zeplin, Demitri, Thatcher (still in utero), and I sat and talked.
We have watermelon, pineapple, banana, and oranges waiting on us to finish nap time. -I am in no rush, THIS is my nap time.
The boys had asked for smoothies and fruit salad. One or the other, they will have to agree, but yes, I had told them, after nap time.

On a side-bar, Big Strong Man has been on something like a mission to have a Kitchen-Aid mixer and a Keurig coffee machine in our house.
We are thrifty people, and like to think we make reasonable, affordable, choices.
Neither of these seems very reasonable nor affordable to me.
So we had neither.

Three days ago B.S.M. told me my Christmas gift had finally arrived.
It is March.
I had no idea what he was talking about.

So, before I proceed, let me state something:
        We are not too proud to find treasure in another person's junk.
        We have learned that when other people are "finished" with
        something, it is often a great time for us to "start".
        -Maybe this sounds gross, or ridiculous, I don't know.
        But for us, it works.
 One  man's junk is another man's treasure

As I walked downstairs behind him, he was like a child at Christmas: face glowing, huge grin.
Pure delight.
There, on our island, was a good-looking, practically brand new, Kitchen-Aid mixer. (See below.)
He was truly as excited as can be.
B.S.M. had found this on one of his routes through a very nice retirement community.
Think 300K community. Crazy. 
I think it may have belonged to the widower's wife. Said Big Strong Man.
I think he didn't know what to do with it any more, it just took up room.

When B.S.M. saw the man, he informed him that he took the Kitchen-Aid and was excited to fix it up for me, his extremely thrifty wife.
No need, said the widower, it works.
It works. 

The morning I was presented with my gift, my Big Strong Man spent some time cleaning it off.
No need for a paint job.
No need for a motor.
$350 worth of a working Kitchen-Aid appliance. In our kitchen. Free.
A Godly blessing, and it's exciting!

So this led me to this post.
Let it never be said of me that I am ungrateful. I am very grateful.
Had I never owned a Kitchen-Aid mixer, I would have been very grateful as well.

When I think about the real aids in my kitchen, it's my Little Men that I think about.
You remember, the ones I mentioned above who will have to make the all-important choice between fruit salads and fruit smoothies when they wake-up?
Yes, them.
They are my real helpers, my real excitement.

                                                           Me: I think I'll start dinner...
                                                    Boys (in unison): Mom, can we help??!! :)
                                                                          Yes mom? Yay!
Boys: Mom, is this ice cream?
Mom, can we eat this?
Mom, are we having ice cream for dinner?
Me: No boys, sorry, that's butter, not ice cream.
No boys, we are having healthy food for dinner.
Real food.
One boy to the other: I got to put in the last 
spoonful of cinnamon and you didn't!!
I win!!
And then this happens... (scary mommy)...wait, I mean this:

grateful for all my kitchen-aids,
  My Christmas in March gift


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