Saturday, August 22, 2015

Just One More, book review (with extras)

Third post goes!
Zep, Demitri, Thatcher, and I took a trip to our local library yesterday. It has been too long.
17 books later we were headed out the automatic doors and loading up in our van.

Today I instituted a mandatory 10 minute "quite, book time". After we read independently (which is just looking through books for the boys at this time- no readers yet), I asked the boys to chose a few of the books and I would read them aloud.
Well, surprise, surprise! We got a good one- a really good one!
So good, in fact, I decided to review it and share it here.

The book, Just One More, is written by Jennifer Hansen Rolli. She is a Pennsylvania girl like me and, coolness factor, did the oil paintings in her book (she writes and paints, double cool)!
The book looks like this and you can find it here.

So, my review of top 4 reasons you should like this book include:

1. My boys were attracted to the cover. Who am I kidding? It was I who grabbed it off of the library shelf because of the cover- my boys followed suite!
2. The illustrations of little Ruby are adorable- sweet girl, gapped teeth, big eyes, hair disheveled.
3. The story is easy to follow and captured my boys attention in .003 seconds. ...What will Ruby do next? 

                                          (I especially loved this page. This is my Demitri,
                                     he always wants just one more sip of my coffee drinks!)

                                                        (Actually, THIS is my Demitri-
                                                        so cute I can not hardly stand it!)

4. As a parent, there has to be something more than interesting and a good read- there are lots of interesting, good reads out there. I would know, we own about 3000 of them.
My review of this book was chosen solely because it stood apart for me. It is a children's book and, while applicable to children of all ages, offers a great, parental lesson as well.
Ruby is rather independent and even the best of us parents fall prey to this temperament with children. Just One More reminds us to hone-in on these little ones, loving and encouraging their independence, all whilst reminding them that they do not run the roost!

You do NOT want to miss this! Demitri reading to Thatcher!!! (You may need to wait just a minute!) 

Great book, Jennifer Hansen Rolli!

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