Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Get Your Life in Order/Four Boxes (September 1-7)

Welcome to September, y'all!
What an exciting month for just about everyone I know...I bet for you as well!
For those teacher friends of mine...whoop-whoop!
For those kiddos headed back to school...whoop!
For the end of sweaty-pits and flip flops...whoop! (Was I all alone on those flip flops? I assume that I am.)

So, welcome!
This month is another exciting one- are you ready?!
For this month, which will take us out of Summer and into Fall, we will be focusing on Four Boxes.

Over the course of the next four weeks, with all of the shiny new Paw Patrol backpacks and apple-pie scented Yankee candles we are bringing into the home, the goal of Four Boxes is to be purposeful to combat the clutter.
(All my minimalist friends say hey-o!)

Our mission this week is to locate four boxes- the bigger the better, I say.
Each week we will focus on the boxes and go into detail concerning a particular box.
The Four Boxes shall be labeled:


This week, let's take a look at Share, because it is on the top of the list, and also because I think the other three are pretty self-explanatory.

As you walk through your house (and office, and minivan, and purse, etc.), be mindful of stuff that you have lying around. Consider the friend list you have on Facebook and likewise consider the collection of 1999 Beanie Babies you have collecting dust in the corner (you know, the one right over there sorely neglected next to your VCR and autographed Friends poster).
If there is a magical something that you no longer have those fancy feelings for, it probably belongs in one of your Four Boxes. 
If Susie down the road is beside herself with Beanie Babies (as in, she faithfully wakes up at 5:30am to go chase yard sales with Beanie Babies as her agenda), maybe she would be better off with your dusty collection. Just maybe.

Keep THIS in mind:
Just because it made it's way into a box, does not mean you are washing your hands of it. You can reclaim it later this month if you choose. Or tomorrow.

I suppose that if you are really interested in decluttering, managing your materials, or living minimalist-style, you will find your way back to your boxes multiple times over the next 30 days.

It is ok to put something in the box and change your mind.

Maybe no one will cherish the bubble gum wrapper chains as much as you have and they may float from Share to Toss and back to your secret overstock drawer with the other random pieces of life you just cannot let go of (yet).
Maybe those Beanie Babies will earn you 5K and you are better off selling them online than sharing them (sorry Susie!).
Maybe no one wants your Beanie Baby collection and it is time to Donate, Donate, Donate. Hello Salvation Army!
(I HIGHLY recommend the Salvation Army over Goodwill, here's why.)

Regardless, this month is about making room for the new and remaining one step ahead of the clutter. 
-See you in a week!

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