Wednesday, September 9, 2015

To Fan a Love for Football, or Give Him "His Space"?

This morning Joyce Meyer's quite notorious voice spoke into conversation with her listening audience this concept of being taught how to love what your spouse loves. 

In our home, this would include Big Strong Man's love of football. We do not share this love. It is solely and wholly his. My interest goes about numb after the first commercial break and never much made it past the cheerleaders and what their uniforms look like in the first place. (And my sweet ladies, your shorts are all too short. You know this. I know this. Your grandmother's and father's know this.)

As I ran this morning, I was listening to the second part of a Making Marriage Work (with excerpts from her book with the same title, which you can find here), program on YouTube. (You can find it here.)
Senior Pastor Andy Stanley offered this quote of Joyce's and extended both Joyce and her husband Dave the opportunity to elaborate on it. The quote,

                  "The day I said to Dave, 'I give up. Teach me to play golf,'
                      may have been the day I learned to truly love him."

As the pounding of my feet on the road made faint thuds to my ears, I heard this quote and instantly thought of application. That's how these things work, right?
You hear. You apply. You grow. You share. 

As I just mentioned, in our home, it will be football and the entire football season, and whether or not the Colts do well, and how Payten (who he still loves and so, by default, I do too) is doing down there in Colorado, and how many points B.S.M.'s fantasy football team scored this week, and the multiple drafts required to even get started, and if someone has a sprained ankle or made the news in a not-so-good way, and who his friends Patrick trys to trade, and...yeah...ALL THAT.


Just as Joyce had little or no interest in golf, for the love of her man, she took an interest and asked him to teach her this game which she now enjoys with him!

To say that I would love to sit around all day and watch game after game does not excite me. To say that I would love to actively love the things my husband loves and show my support, this excites me!

So friends, I am wondering, do you look for more opportunities to try on a new interest with the One you love? Do you think that this time could be better off with your Spouse entertaining his/her interests and you entertaining yours? (The thought of reading or writing trumps football in my book, hands-down-every-day.) But I love him, so I will try. ...and maybe we'll enjoy one another's company in the same, over sized recliner with our Colts jerseys on and fun drinks in our hands; him watching the Colts and I reading something amazing!

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