Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Get Your Life in Order/Four Boxes (September 8-14)

Welcome back friends!
Today I have some Über exciting news to share with you: Jen Hatmaker has a newly released book, For the Love, and it will rock your world! (So I have been told, still waiting on my copy!)
Ok, so this is so cool because Jen actually has another book, Seven, which works right alongside what we are hoping to accomplish this month with minimizing and organizing our hectic lives. -Can I get an amen!?!


This is week two of September and this month we are focusing on Four Boxes.
Last week we focused on the Share box (items we can share with someone who would appreciate what we may no longer *ehm* appreciate enough).
This week we will look into the Sell box. This sounds obvious, so please don't hit the back-up button and give up on me here, bear with me, OK? If you think you can make some decent money off of something you no longer have a need/desire for, why the heck not?
If you have friends participating in the challenge with you, you may consider a multi-family yard sale (and you may even decide to swap your tall, black bedroom lamp for your friends chevron teal and cream area rug and, wa-la! you both win!). 
Other creative ways to make some green:
Ok, so there are about 100 more ways to make money...what would you add to the list?

I look forward to joining you all next week for our Toss box (!) excited much? Yes! I am!
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If you are brand new to gomommyblogger, HUGE WELCOME! Please click here to meet me and enjoy a mug of hot chai latte while you kick-back, relax, and -hopefully- feel more encouraged than you did when you first arrived!

All the best friends!- 

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