Thursday, October 1, 2015

Get Your Life In Order/Essen (1-7)

Welcome to October, the month of both Halloween (junk food palooza/October 31st) and World Vegetation Day (October 1st.)
During our stint in this beautiful Fall month, our focus will be on eating healthy and cleaning house...or at least the pantry.

While we are on the topic of holidays, here are some of the lesser-known October holidays we can enjoy this first October week:

Having had begun already in September, through the 7th is the popular German holiday, Oktoberfest.
         Oktoberfest is not just a celebration of beer. It is a huge festival with lots of food,
         music, dancing, rides, and carnival booths. Each year millions of people from all
         over the world come to the fair. Oktoberfest celebrations and festivals are held
         around the world during this time. These festivals also celebrate the rich heritage
         of the German people.(source)
 National Frappe Day is always on October 4th. (As in, everyone just must enjoy a Frappe if it needs a holiday to be celebrated. As in, no one even knows where this holiday originated, it just showed up one day and everyone cheered!) 
International Frugal Fun Day is the first Saturday in October, which is the 3rd.
         We did find plenty of reference to the intent of this day.... to have fun
         "on the cheap".(source)
World Smile Day is on the first Friday of October, which is the 4th this year.
         World Smile Day celebrates the ever popular yellow smiley. It also offers us an
         opportunity to do an act of kindness. According to the World Smile Day website,
         a proclamation of this day was made by the U.S. Congress.
         Now that should put a smiley on your face.

         ...The intent of World Smile Day is to do an act of kindness, or help one person
         to smile. Why not do both!? (sournce)

So...what do Frappes and frugalness have in common? Nothing, they are at stark contrast of the similarity beam. But, for the sake of this post, and the 10th month of the year (pumpkin month=RESPECT), they are somehow thrown together and I am going to make something of them, how about you do as well?


So our plan this month is to treat our palates and intestines, our skin and our thighs all a little nicer. Our pantries and refrigerators as well.
Here's the deal. This is not a "fat post". I cringe to even write that. This is a month dedicated to healthier choice-making and learning how to begin and maintain a well-rounded meal plan.

Any new friends, welcome!
You do not have to be overweight nor do you have to be a skinny-Minne to participate, you can be just like me. A girl...on a get some junk out of my shopping cart. And my pantry. And my mouth. A realistic girl...who has three sons and one husband and removing all traces of sugar from my household is the equivalent of a great sin... and I enjoy coffee with creamer too much to part ways forever. A girl trying to be healthier today than I was yesterday. 

This week our goal is to look at what we are eating. What do we purchase from the store week after week, pop in our mouths when we are in a rush, and literally crave from the pit of our beings? (The last point is in the food depo only. ...this could go a entirely different route if I want it to, but to be persistent, I shall digress.)
This week we are to make evaluations about said foods (and drinks) and mole over the possibility of a healthier alternative. 
For me, this looks like this:
I enjoy decaf coffee with Coffee-Mate coconut creamer (heavenly!). I enjoy this on a daily basis.
A much healthier -and doable!- option for me is to mix it up with some days with green tea and honey instead. Also scrumptious!
I enjoy hummus with carrot and pepper sticks. (This one's a keeper!)
I also enjoy chocolate chips
This one can use some work....

Once you have a general idea of where you can make some adjustments, set your mind into action by mentally reminding yourself that this is not a healthy habit (for those habits which are, indeed, not healthy) and that you will be making healthier choices. Soon. Now. Today.

This is not a license to beat yourself up! Eat some veggies on the first, because that's what you do, but also enjoy your Frappe on the fourth...maybe just a small one. And smile while you enjoy the latter, because it will be National Smile Day. And everyone drinking a Frappe says Amen. 

Enjoy this month! Teachers, Techies, Custodial Workers, and Physician Assistants we solute you too! Have a wonderful day when it is your day to shine (on the 5th, 3rd, 2nd, and 6th). (source


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