Monday, October 12, 2015

Get Your Life In Order/Essen (8-14)

Welcome back friends!
As I type this, I am, well, quite behind. This post will go out today, to be followed by the most up-to-date post in a mere 48 hours. I'm sorry(ish).

Somewhere between a friend borrowing our computer's mouse, being on vaca and wanting to live in the moment, and that concentrated effort of mine to not be on the computer while my biggins are around, I got one day -and then almost one week- behind. And I am sorry, for all of you faithful followers, God love you. I also have decided to not beat myself up because. It's about grace, people. If this blog becomes about legalism, I might just throw in the proverbial towel....
And I really don't want to do that.

So welcome back to October's Essen challenge.
Essen= food in the extremely lovely German language.

We spoke about looking at what we are eating in week one. This week, let's observe what we are NOT eating and see how we can combine both weeks and make some magic!

My Big Strong Man brought home liquid vitamins for our Littles. Yuck multiplied.
Perhaps I am alone here, but the smell of Flintstones vitamins goes directly to my gag reflex. Liquid vitamins already smell like puke. It is too much for a well meaning momma to serve her four and two year olds. They stick their noses up to it and want to cry. I hear you boys, I hear you.
But the thing is, these vitamins are good for us. Good for our little men who don't eat enough vegetables in their diets, and good for Big Strong Man and I as well, who can each use a boost in our diets. So we drink them anyway. Yes, we (mostly because Big Strong Man and I will drink the leftovers).
We have been creatively blending our fruits and juices, our grains and vitamins, and coming up with some interesting flavors. Even blending ice cream. Hey, whatever it takes.


I made it a point to bring home the greens. Spinach. In our home, I can eat spinach, raisins, sliced strawberries, and shredded cheese with some four cheese vinegar and oil dressings every day. Yum.

How about you? What can you introduce or resurrect into your diet?


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