Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Get Your Life In Order/Essen (22-31)

Well, well. It looks like I am actually a day EARLY and guess what? I'm going to post!! Whoop-whoop! Go me!
No, really...
Welcome to the fourth and final week in October...glorious month, can you stay a little longer?

If you are new to gomommyblogger or new to these crazy monthly/weekly/yearly challenges, please feel free to check out this, or this, or stay put and jump on in!

This month has been all about healthier eating choices with making better choices at the grocery and bringing those choices to the dinner table. Today I thought I would share with you some of my favorite healthy(ish) recipes.
Many of these are Fall-inspired but, heck!, we'll eat them in the middle of the summer...we're dangerous like that!

Without further ado:

Balsamic & Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower

8 C sliced cauliflower
2Tbs O.O.
1tea. sage/basil/thyme/oregano/marjoram (you pick which
1/4 tea. salt
freshly ground pepper to taste
2Tbs balsamic vinegar (or any vinaigrette you have handy)
1/2C Parmesan

Preheat @ 450degrees
toss cauliflower, oil, spices in large bowl
roast 20 mins on baking sheet (one with ledges)
remove from oven and return to bowl. toss with vinegar and cheese. return to oven and roast until cheese is melted, 5-10 mins.
Carrot Souffle

1lb carrots, chopped
1/2C margarine
1tea. vanilla
3 eggs
3Tbs all-purpose flour
1tea. baking powder
1/2tea. salt
1/2C sugar
sprinkle cinn. and nutmeg

Preheat @ 350 degrees
boil carrots until tender (20 mins) blend until smooth (drain excess water before blending)
stir margarine, vanilla, and eggs in one bowl
mix flour, salt, baking powder, and sugar in second bowl

pour dry mix into wet mix and mix all into the carrot mixture
pour into a well greased (try coconut oil) casserole dish (2qt)
sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg, give it a fun swirl
bake for 45 mins.

Baked Mac & Cheese

1 box macaronis
shredded cheese (your choice)*
sliced cheese (your choice)*
1 can condensed milk
1 stick butter
pepperonis (try turkey pepperonis) (optional)

preheat oven to 350 degrees
boil noodles until tender
grease casserole dish (try coconut oil)
place noodles inside dish. Pour entire can milk over noodles
stir in shredded cheese*
stir in pepperonis
cut off pieces of softened butter and disperse around noodles
place slices of cheese on top*

baked for 30 mins or until cheese gets melted and slightly browned
*for optimal taste, choose two different cheeses to compliment one another
Broiled Talapia Parmesan

1/4C Parmesan cheese
 2Tbs butter, softened
1Tbs and 1-1/2tea. reduced fat mayo
1Tbs fresh lemon juice
1/8tea. each: dried basil, ground black pepper, onion powder, celery salt
1lb Tilapia fillets

preheat broiler
grease or line pan with aluminum foil
mix: cheese, butter, mayo, and lemon juice
season with spices, mix well
arrange fillets in single layer. broil a few inches form heat, 2-3 mins. flip fillets and broil again, 2-3
remove from oven and cover with mixture
broil 2 more mins until top is browned and fish flakes easily with fork.

So these are some of my family's go-to sides.
With Halloween peering right around the corner, don't forget to equip yourself with some healthy snacks and meals to ward off the "just one more piece of chocolate!" monster!


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