Monday, November 2, 2015

Get Your Life In Order/Getting Outdoors (Nov. 1-7)

Welcome to November, friends!
Can I just say, I LOVETHIS MONTH!
Both Big Strong Man and Zeplin share birthdays this month, as do Laney, Nicole, Charlie, and Wilbert...more family= more family love!

Did you notice the cute Hispanic name thrown in there? That's Wilbert, he shares the same birthday as our Zeplin. This year, both boys are turning five!

With the conclusion of October, I always get really excited when the billboards with zombie-fied girls with half their faces melted off go away and billboards reminding us to be mindful of our neighbors replace them. I also enjoy Christmas everywhere. (And the creepy Santa ornament I purchased at the Dollar Tree today for my soon-to-be-newlywed friends and their first Christmas tree- Leah and John, you are welcome.) And then there is Thanksgiving...!

Somehow all this is suppose to tie in with the great outdoors. Let's see. Um, go outside now before it is really, really cold. Do it. Enjoy the Fall colors, the smell of fire pits and fresh air.
If you are anything like me, I can find myself house bond for DAYS ON END if I am not careful. Drop the big kid off at school, return home, pick up from school, return home, start all over again.

Did you know that being out doors is actually really good for you?
The fresh air...the I sound a little redundant?
But it's true!

Have you heard of this thing called, "Earthing"?
It is: The action of walking on grass in bare feet; soaking up the earths energy through your soles.
You can read some about it here.
You can shop for it here.
In short:

    "Earthing" also called "grounding" stems from the idea that in modern city life we no 
    longer have direct physical contact with the Earth, and therefore are losing out on 
    purported health benefits of exchanging electrons with the surface of our planet....
    Supposedly, electrons drawn into the body from the earth neutralize damaging free 
    radicals and by extension reduce disease-related chronic or acute inflammation..."

My *ehm* friend, Katie, over at Wellness Mama wrote about Earthing in her post, How to Get Healthy While You Sleep

So this month's challenge is to simply get outside more. If you are able, (if the weather permits and you feel so inclined), why not try this "earthing" thing for yourself? I plan on it...maybe I'll post about it someday. 

                                                               Feet in Dirt

Have you tried any "earthing" products? What is your opinion?
Do you think there is any logic to this, or a bunch of nonsense?
Will you try this earthing concept?

Feel free to leave a comment below!


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