Monday, November 16, 2015

Get Your Life In Order/Getting Outdoors (Nov. 8-22) <--did you catch that?

Hi friends!
Did you happen to catch that this weeks challenge is double-time?
The truth.
I TOTALLY fudged and did not even post a challenge last week.
(I have TONS of excuses, if you are interested. -If not, scroll about 10 lines, mmkay?)
*Zeplin had a birthday...
*and then a birthday party
*29 out of the, 41(!) guests showed (WHAT WAS I THINKING?)
*The Mr. had a birthday
*...and I had a anxiety attack (as in, on his special long for fun memories)
*...until the boys went to bed that night and I sang Happy Birthday to him with a bowl full of...wait for it...Cool Whip, sprinkles, and candles. <--that was pretty cool
*I read a new book in all of 48ish hours (in between life, you know). The book is amazing and I am going to share its title with you IF you promise not to judge me (and certainly don't read this part aloud for the kiddos). The book:
 ^^Um, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! (Thanks MOPS mom-you know who you are!)
So, back to the HERE and NOW. 
Yesterday my Big Strong Man allowed baby Thatcher and I to nap for something like, um, I don't know, 3hours!!!! While we were in sleepy-heaven, he took the two biggins outside to play in our cul-de-sac and when I finally joined them outside, here is what I saw:
a pile of leaves
Pretty simple. 

                                                great idea here!
Of course, I wanted to capture a fun picture and make glorious Fall memories, but it was one of those things that seems to happen too fast, and I didn't stop to get my camera, I just stopped to enjoy them.
Which brings me to this weeks challenge:
Go play in leaves.
And take pictures for proof. 
(Feel free to share your photos in the comments, too! That would be rad!)
So, two challenges, albeit, not terribly difficult ones for the mass majority of us. (If you have to play in sand or mud because there are just no leaves anywhere near you, our condolences, but have at it you crazy-fun people!)  
Yours lovingly,

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