Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Finding Jesus in Christmas (Jesus sightings)

OK friends! This post is gomommyblogger's (<- that's me!) number 200!
And how appropriate for such an awesome landmark for this post to be about finding Jesus in Christmas. ...whatever that means.

Well actually, it is really simple (don't allow the title to intimidate you!).

As I was out-and-about doing my Christmas preparation thing (you know, the myriad of gifts, cookies, Salvation Army bell ringers, more cookies...) I spotted these awesome treasures and knew I wanted to advertise them for their awesomeness.

Without further ado:

    Have you seen the JC Penny gift card?! 

And how about these Whitman's chocolate bars?

And how about you, friends? What goodies have you seen which showcase The Reason for the Season? Where have you seen companies keeping Christ in Christmas?


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