Monday, December 21, 2015

Uber-Spititual Chistmas Traditions (a.k.a. creative ways to keep Christmas about the Christ)

Call me a late bloomer.
Roll your eyes, if you must.
Or call me lame, but I was about 20 years old before I ever heard of someone baking a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas.
I know...late.
This is such a simple and yet profound way to celebrate our Savior!
Just as we would bake (or purchase) a cake to celebrate our family member's birthdays, in our home we have always done the same. ...well, Casa McFive does, (not the home I grew up in). Remember, I was something like 20 before I had ever heard of this idea- which I stole and sealed in my heart for the day I could share it with my family. #thankYouJesus
There is cake, candles, ...birthday hats are fun...! You get to enjoy yourself here friends, because of all birthdays ever -this one is the most important!

                                                                   Tiny Print Holiday Cards

Along the same lines, last year my god-daughter, Lexie, was with us for Christmas and -I tell you- it was magical!
A few days before Christmas (Christmas Eve is ideal, but may not be realistic if there is just too much to accomplish), I purchased a birthday balloon from the Dollar Tree.
It costs ONE DOLLAR, ya'll!
On Christmas day, Lexie, Zeplin, and Demitri all held the strand and, after singing Happy Birthday, sent the balloon up to Heaven... and perhaps even into the hands of Jesus (who knows?)!

A lovely older friend of mine, (and author of the great book of names and their Biblical meanings, Affirming You), hangs all the stockings on her mantle and, in addition to her family's stockings, she hangs an addition sticking. A jumbo-sized stocking. In this stocking, everyone writes a letter to Jesus in the style of a gift. For instance...This year I desire to seek You more and so I will dedicate my first five minutes upon waking to You every morning. Because I love you, Lord, and I desire to bless You. Happy Birthday!  
Year after year, Gayle's family adds their "gifts" to the stocking, never removing prior "gifts".

My friends who had first opened my eyes to the greatness which is birthday cake on Christmas day (and more exactly, the Reason behind the birthday cake), also did something similar with which they each offered the Lord a gift similar to a resolution. Lord, this year I would like to quite drinking diet cola. Because I know it is not good for my body. ...or my teeth. ...or my wallet. And I desire to do this for the glory of Your Name. To dedicate this to You. Happy Birthday!

In our home you will see Christmas decorations all over the downstairs, both Santa as well as Nativity sets. *sigh* This was difficult for me to an extent because Christmas is magical, and part of that magic is Santa. Right?

But I never wanted the focus to be on him when it was so clearly meant for Jesus. 

I know a handful of family's who don't "do" Santa at all.

So what is a family to do? Well, I would not claim to have figured it out completely, but here is how Christmas "goes down" at Casa McFive:
Christmas is about Jesus. Hands down.
When we get to talking about Santa, because a large portion of Christmas is Santa, we tell it like this.

Santa is a nice man, but he is not Jesus. 
Santa is good and brings gifts and likes cookies, but he is good because he loves Jesus, and he brings gifts because on Jesus' birthday, Jesus decided to share all His gifts with everyone else. (And he likes cookies because...well, who doesn't?)
It is the kindness of Jesus, who was born on Christmas day, Whom we celebrate. 
Santa loves Jesus too, and that is why he distributes the gifts Jesus gives. 
Not to overshadow the REAL gift -THE BEST GIFT- Jesus gave us so long ago. His life. 

And then there are those advent calendars. Yep, we enjoy them a lot around here. Another great tradition is to read the Biblical Christmas story on Christmas Eve/Day. (You can find that here.)

And with the advent calendars, opening door number 25 (Christmas day), so excitedly reveals baby Jesus Himself, Whom the kiddos get to put in His manger scenes. *sigh*

Sometimes it is the little things which make the biggest impression. 

Last year I mentioned this fantastic little find, which is still one of my very favorite books:

                                                                (You can find it here)

A friend at my MOPS table shared this gem with me:


What other Christmas traditions do you carry which remind you of our Lord, Jesus? I would LOVE to hear! (Really! I collect traditions like the air I breathe!)

Merry Christmas Friends!-


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