Monday, December 14, 2015

Get Your Life In Order/Advent (December 8-24)

Hello friends!
It is quarter after eleven AT NIGHT and I am up typing...

Except hat I decided to just finish an email...and then just log into gomommyblogger. Naturally, I happened upon the challenges for December and the HUGE GAP which was me neglecting to post last week's challenge.
So, here I am. Tired, but not complaining. Prepared to give you (me?) a challenge.

But first...this:
I so thought this challenge thing would be easier. 
Like, I thought that if I posted a weekly challenge with a monthly theme, I would be ALL ABOUT IT each and every month! But I am not.
As a matter of fact, I am really, REALLY far behind. Like, I didn't complete all of my challenges.
I am ashamed.
I kinda thought of faking know, acting like I am perfecto and on top of this. But that is not the case, and because I preach grace, I also needed to admit my shortcomings.
Because I am so not perfect. 

Whoo...that feels better.
If anyone out there actually did do any/many/ALL of the challenges this year, please, PLEASE, PLEASE (this is me begging), actually comment about it.
I will send you a gift! <-really, like a HOLY-MOLY YOU'RE AMAZING gift!

So...perhaps this twilight hour is making me crazy. I.don't.know. But here goes:

The challenge for this week (as in, through Christmas Eve- which is the 24th people, geesh),
write someone a thank you card.
A heartfelt thank you.
An I love you.

Zeplin and Demitri did this today. It was a "recommendation" from the children's devotional we are reading:

                                                    Can you say kids lurve Veggie Tales?

 and it prompted them to: write someone you love and let them know how much they mean to you.
Zeplin wrote his cousin Madison (whom he lurves...) and so a beautiful, carefully articulated alphabet is headed her way tomorrow. *sigh*
Demitri chose Emily (whom he lurves...) and she will receive her beautiful paper of swirls and scribbles in these next few days. In person. (Lucky girl.)

So...this is pretty light, or maybe not. (It's that being-tired contradiction-thing.) It doesn't have to be a particular length or actually say "I LOVE YOU", but the point is this:
We cannot buy love...
and we can receive everything we ask Ho-Ho for...and still be unhappy
And we may tell people we care for them...
or show it through actions like hugs and high-fives...
but people are really important.
Like, the most important.
And this is a beautiful, perhaps free, way of telling them.
So think about this.
What you will write.
Consider your words.
Spread the Christmas lurve...!

And, if you are still working your Advent (go you!), you can even include this in tomorrow's little door or box. A little note prompting the opener of the door/box to stop and think.
About a person he loves.
And actually put pen to paper.
And tell that person.
Of that love.

Yours dearly, off to bed now,

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