Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Get Your Life In Order/Advent (December1-7)

Well look at this, friends! It's December 1st already!!

I was wondering the same thing.

It may be no surprise, but this is a fantastic time to celebrate Advent. Not sure what this is? No problem! The best way I understood it was as a countdown to Christmas...and this is partially correct. Dictionary.com offers these definitions:

a coming into place, view, or being; arrival:
the advent of the holiday season.
(usually initial capital letter) the coming of Christ into the world.
(initial capital letter) the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas, observed in commemoration of the coming of Christ into the world.
(usually initial capital letter) Second Coming

...and I thought it was just an excuse to eat candy every day. 
So friends, I still have rather fond(ish) memories of all the chocolate Advent Kalenders my German class sold every year to countdown the days until the celebration of Das Weihnachtskind. (The cost was $3 apiece, and EVERY YEAR my mom would shell out about $30 to cover the cost of all die Adventskalendern I had and did not sell. God love her.) 

As a parent, I do not want to miss out on this celebration with my three sons- it is too much fun for everyone! Hence...our three Advent Kalenders.
...So, before you get all, "what's up with three?" And, "why do you have so many?", "how will you keep up with them all?", and "why are you so greedy?", let me get to the heart of this:
I have three sons.
Once upon a time, I had one really nice Advent Kalender house (see below). 
The following Christmas, Big Strong Man came home with a darling group of gifts in the shape of a tree: another Advent Kalender (see below). 
Last year, B.S.M.'s aunt sent us this cool, vintage Advent Kalender (see below, again).
So, why not?

So, mission: December/Advent, here goes:
Friend, I encourage you to get an Advent Kalender of some sort. 
They have these:(Which I am certain any high school German student would be glad to sell you. Danke. Bitte.)
                                                                  You can find some here

Or you can be really crafty and do something like this: (Be sure to click on the link for great ideas of d.i.y. Advent Calenders!) 
                                                   Can you be any cuter, Babble (courtesy of Disney)?

And, man, I just adore this idea, JaG!: 

Next, let's talk: surprises!
Yes, there are goodies inside. Every. Single. Day!!

You can go with good ole' chocolate (kuddos for you if you invest in German chocolates.)
small toys
encouraging words/poems/quotes
or MY FAVORITE service projects!!!
(What in the name of Mike? [asks you, Zeplin, and Tom Hanks on Polar Express].) Do let me explain:

...maybe it is because Zep, B.S.M., Demitri, and I ALL have Nov-Dec birthdays...
...maybe it is because there is still 5lbs of sugar left over from Halloween...
...maybe it is because Halloween, Thanksgiving, St. Nicolas Day, Christmas, and New Year are all so close together...
...maybe it is because we just have so much already...
but I think doing something for someone else is a great, nay, FABULOUS way to do Advent! This is, after all, a countdown to be mindful of Jesus' coming to us. 
To serve us.
To lay down His life for us.
To show love to us.
 I totally have faith that this can be something more than about you, or me, or us, or our families. 

Do you need some ideas for service projects? Well, glad you asked. Here goes:
cookies, cakes, Santa-mix
get your kiddos together and make some cheap, easy -yet fabulous and adorable!- gifts to share
poems, letters (and not just a letter to Santa, although that can be a good idea for 1 Advent exercise)
go sing for a retirement home...(Too embarrassing? Why not try to recruit just a few neighbors and walk around your neighborhood singing and passing out candy canes?)
this year my family and I will do something of encouragement (think a thank you card with a candy) and we will walk through our neighborhood and give them out to all of our neighbors who have nativity scenes displayed. Thank you for remembering what Christmas is actually about. (No thank you cards and candies for the giant, inflatable Santas, although my boys want their picture taken with every one so....never say never.)

Who to honor?
mail man
garbage man
your favorite librarian
the check out girl at Food Lion who always smiles, and never checks her phone, when you come with a huge cart full of snack food 

 So, be creative and have fun- and don't feel badly about eating chocolate everyday, it's a tradition!

 OK, so, here are McFive's below. 
I hope you are inspired to made/buy/create an Adventskalender of your own!

bought at Kohl's (2010)

Bought at Home Goods (2012)

(From the looks of it, I would say, circa 1980...)

 Don't forget your Advent study! Pick up yours, here!


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