Monday, December 28, 2015

Polar Express at the Great Smoky Mountain Railroad (REVIEW)

This weekend McFive drove to the Smoky Mountains in North Carolina and rode the Polar Express train TO THE NORTH POLE!


I was so excited my eyes kept misting over while we waited for our train to arrive. I felt like a pregnant lady, unable to control her emotions!

In our home, Zeplin (5) and Demitri (3) shall I say this...obsessed with the Polar Express movie. In the middle of the summer...Polar Express! Multiple times in a row...Polar Express!
They quote it.
And know all the songs.
They will say "What in the name of Mike", at random.

So when I caught wind of the Polar Express attraction both Big Strong Man and I decided that this was the year to jump aboard.
It may not feel so magical next year. 
The boys may decide in 2016 that this movie they so loved in 2015 is no longer a favorite. 
We may not live this close next year...
or have the finances. 

So this year it was!

I purchased our tickets a week before Christmas, thrilled that there were still some available! In this great state, there are two Polar Express events I am aware of, one of which we attended in Bryson City, NC. (The other, with info. here, was sold out. -Their loss.)

Are you considering going on the Polar Express in the beautiful Smoky Mountains? (which are truly beautiful!)
If you are, I highly suggest reading-on as I offer you our review.

Let's start with the good:
*It is magical. (Remember, me, near tears...*sigh*)
*Each child gets a legit golden ticket just like the movie.

*The waiting station is entertaining. Their are cafe's and gift shops as well as props for photos.

*Additionally, the Polar Express played via a projector on a wall in the waiting area.
*There are TWO ladies rooms! (One for the men, if that needed clarification.)
*It is located in a tourist attraction of a city, so both before and after offer additional entertainment.
*The workers are really helpful with escorting everyone to their respected trains. We rode Coach, which means we and to walk the furthest.
*Everyone had the option of dressing in pajamas- even adults! 
Once you board the train:
*A "Ticket puncher", just like in the movie, comes along to punch hole in the kiddos tickets.
*There is a chef on board who serves everyone cookies and...wait for it...Hot! Hot! Hot! HOT CHOCOLATE! Just like in the movie. AND IT IS DELICIOUS!!!!!!

*Over the speakers, an audible version of the Polar Express book is begin read and the chef double-tasks as a walking story teller, pacing the cart and showing the large book to interested children.
*The train carts are decorated beautifully, with wrapped gifts and ornaments on top of and hanging from the overhead shelves.
*At one point the train stops and the chef announced that we had to wait on the caribou to move, just like in the movie.
*Many of the townspeople (who are not actually part of the event but live within view of the track), decorate their homes beautifully with lights.
*We passed the North Pole which was all lit up and included Santa, waving at the train!
*On the other side of the train, we saw the misfit toys, like the movie, (and we were told that the hobo was on top of the misfit toy cart, but we didn't see him).
*And everyone's great surprise, Santa boarded the train and, along with his elf-helper, offered each child his/her own official Polar Express bell, just like the boy got in the movie. (Even Thatcher got one- and remember, he rode for free!)

*On the way back to the station, we sang Christmas songs, lead by the chef (who, apparently, does EVERYTHING- bless her!) 
*Once we exited the train, we kept our eyes open for another hobo, as there was talk that a few were walking around. Thankfully, we found him and got a picture. 

*The train ride lasted 1 1/4hours, so it was long enough to be enjoyable, not rushed.  
*Thatcher rode for free!
The experience was wonderful and we were glad to have gone!

Some not-as-glamorous aspects:
*The cost. We shelled out about $160 for our family of five (which included a free infant). This was through the cheapest service, Coach. If you wish to ride First or Crown, you will pay additionally.
*We missed out on the extra treats we would have received had we paid the additional fee (which makes sense). these cool mugs...

*You have to pay for parking. $5. Boo. If you are able, find a nearby parking lot, like that of the visitor's center which is not far, and park for free. 
*There were no tables in Coach, which meant we had to hold everything, or place stuff on chairs and floors. Not so bad until...
*The HOT chocolate. I mean, man, was it hot! When you receive four hot chocolates and are holding a baby (me), that means that someone (Big Strong Man) has to figure out how to hold them ALL until they cool enough for little hands.
*On the night we went, chef (remember her?) was short-staffed which meant that we should have seen some dancing, but didn't.  Boo.
*OK, so this one is not really so much that the train company can take fault for, but it is, well, it is what it is. As you begin the ride, you drive past a lot of trailers. No disrespect to anyone living in a trailer, as I imagine they are not so fond of the train passing their windows on a multiple times a day basis, but it isn't exactly scenic.
*The seats had holes covered with duct tape. Yeah...knowing that people will be taking hundreds of pictures (large underestimate there), you would think they would fix that.
*The Hole Puncher punched a straight line through the tickets...naturally something like BELIEVE (or even learn) would have been cooler. 
*Santa has to move quickly through the carts, so grab a picture if you can! (He was kind enough to stop for us when we asked, we just had to be quick about it.) Again, time limits.

So, there you have it!
Are we glad we went? YES!
Would we do it again, YES! ( posted this last night and have thought about it much since. When I asked Big Strong Man for his opinion, he said that, absolutely, he would do it again! My thought is this: I am very grateful that we did do it and I think this was probably the best year to do it, given my older boys interest. However, for the price tag and the distance away it was (3.5 hours), I would sooner purchase the movie, (if we did not already own it), purchase the book, purchase new pajamas and robes for both boys, purchased some nice hot cocoa and fun dollar store mugs, buy our own bells, AND make a magical  Polar Express living room experience. It would probably save a ton of money, we would still have a fun experience, and we would get to keep a lot more of the fun stuff... hehe)
*So, should you go? Given the pricetag to the overall experience, we would say YES, or no, (your choice!), but a Polar Express experience is good stuff, so if you cannot make it here, definently make your own!

Remember this friends, funny thing about doesn't matter where they're going...what matters is deciding to get on. -Polar Express


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