Saturday, January 2, 2016

Christmas Greetings, McFive's Year in Review

Do you write Christmas letters? You know, the type which include a photo as well as a page of all the great things your family has done and seen this year?
Although we never write/send one of our own, I totally adore those who do- and look forward to reading those sent to us! Well, our Christmas cards were sent out the first week of December -without a year-in-review- so I thought I would try my hand at it here, on gomommyblogger, for fun. Below you can read our shortened version, and further below, our longer. Enjoy!


2015 has been a year of many first for family McFive. With baby boy number three making his arrival in March (our first Spring baby), Thatcher ends the year as a rolly-polly, incredibly smiley, happy and lovable nine month old. He has two small teeth and a smidgen of hair- which I still desperately wish turns auburn! Everything about him is delightful.
Demitri is now the only boy in the household who can properly claim to be both a little brother and a big brother- go him! This year he participated in VBS with his older brother and to this day, some six months later, they both still sing enthusiastically about Mount Kilimanjaro and "the Father up above, Who is looking down in love". He is a roaring three year old and- true to his names meaning- is rather loud and brave!
Zeplin has begun Pre-K and so he wears his Paw Patrol sneakers and puts on his Paw Patrol book bag and enjoys going to his "big kid school" where he receives lots of fanfare from the other children and his two teachers often speak his praises- he's a great kiddo! This year was also his first attempts at sports, of which he chose both soccer and roller skating. He is a fan of neither. Zep turned five this year, is learning how to spell, and is still a very loving, sensitive, and intelligent boy. 
This year was huge for Big Strong Man, who received a promotion to Supervisor at the post office for which he previously worked as a carrier. The promotion had the Lord's hands so clearly tied up in it, as he went in uncertain about his job one day and was promoted just days later! In the midst of uncertainty for his post-office future, BSM discovered some eye damage in his left eye and -much to his chagrin and my satisfaction- he is now a man of four-eyes! May the record show, I find him entirely dapper with his glasses on!
My year has also been very pleasant and kind. Thatcher's arrival in March was delightful, I had enjoyed Zeplin's athletic adventures, and having Demitri as the "big kid" during school hours has afforded us lots of precious momma-middle-kiddo time! On a personal note, I have resurrected my passion for writing and feel so very grateful for this blog, have joined a writing group in the city, and am working on a memoir! 
We wish you every happiness in 2016, and even more than that, may you fall more in love with our Savior than you ever imagined possible!
-lovingly yours, (Merry Christmas!),
Big Strong Man, gomommyblogger, Zeplin, Demitri, and Thatcher McFive  

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas!

2015 began as a year with expectations.
That of a new baby, possibly a move, and both school and sports for one child, and VBS for another- our little family is growing (and growing up)!

In early January, we received a phone call that my stepfather, Greg, had passed away, weakened from his fight with Pancreatic cancer. As a family, the five of us (baby Thatcher in utero), were going to drive the eight-ish hours to Pennsylvania to be with family and attend his funeral. The day we were set to drive north, (the day proceeding his passing), baby Thatcher and I were rear-ended and our trip was delayed slightly. Thankfully, both he and I were perfectly fine. Our van, however, was not, and we ended up with a lovely upgraded Kia Sodona with perks!- God's blessing! Although Big Strong Man had to return to work, the boys and I chose to stay in up north and be with my momma during this time. I am so glad we did! There was lots of snow- and the boys ate it up-literally! Many days my sister and her family, (including two cousins for the boys), came to visit and we have great memories of everyone out in the snow: sledding, angel-making, and eating! What a beautiful joy in what could have a difficult time!
At the end of our time in PA, Big Strong Man returned for us and we decided to make an impromptu visit to Indiana and visit his side of our family. Once again, we were thrilled to have the time away from everyday life to visit with so many people we care about deeply. The cousins in IN amount to six, and I do not think our boys had a moment's chance to get bored!

Baby Thatcher was due at the end of March, but I had begun to convince myself that he would arrive sooner than expected- like big brother Demitri, who was a whooping 19 days early! As it turned out, he DID come early- but only by a few hours from his scheduled C-section on the morning of March 23rd. Just two hours after the arrival of my momma, sister, niece and nephew, and "fur-sister", (as my sister and I jokingly refer to our momma's dog, Courtney), my water broke and baby boy decided he did not wish to spend the night in my womb, but rather in my arms! His arrival was just after midnight!
As I type this, Thatcher is a recently-turned nine month old! Wow, did that fly! He has got two precious teeth and can say "ma-ma-ma". He enjoys eating sweet potatoes- just like Zeplin!

Demitri became a big brother for the first time this year, making him both a big and a little brother! He takes this role very seriously, often reminding me that Thatcher is "his" baby. Being the "big kid" around the house during the daytime, (as Zep is in school), Demitri thrives with the additional attention and is really phasing out of the baby stage, much to my delight and sorrow; sometimes I think that I would like to keep them young forever.... Graciously, the Lord knows what He is doing, and so they grow into three year olds and experience things like VBS- and love it! It is pure joy to hear both bog kiddos still singing those great VBS songs all these months later!

Zeplin is now a roaring five year old! I truly don't think this kid every gets tired! In September, Zep entered Pre-K! With his Paw Patrol schoolbag and matching shoes, his smile is five-feet wide when we walks into his classroom! This year Zeplin also began soccer, which he participated in both in the Spring and the Fall. He has a medal and some pictures to prove he played, and I am thankful for both, as he promptly stated that he has little interest in ever playing again! haha

This year was an interesting one for both Big Strong Man and I as well. He continued his work as a Postal Worker, where his days were usually quite long and is finishing off this year as a Supervisor over his fellow coworkers! This makes the boys and I exceedingly proud of him for obvious reasons, but mostly we are just happy that he gets home sooner each day! A fun bragging moment of mine -and much to his shy grin- Big Strong Man got glasses this year and looks rather dashing in them! God's faithfulness is such that, when he realized his eyesight was getting difficult in one eye, and realized he would need glasses and perhaps even surgery, he feared momentarily over what this meant for his job. When you are driving as much as he, good eyesight is necessary to operate effectively. After deciding that being upfront with his Supervisor about his condition (not knowing what this would mean for his position), he was extended the opportunity to become a Supervisor as well! What a cool God we serve!
In addition to the lovely children we sponsor (Wilbert from Guatemala {who enjoys sports and coloring} and Solange from Rwanda {who is a lovely young lady and great helper to her family}), this year also brought about interests in Mercury One and Operation Underground Railroad, both of which Big Strong Man is passionate about- bless his beautiful heart! Additionally, coin collecting, politics, and swimming are great interests of his this year.
As for me, I enjoy writing (had you any clue?) and have been blessed to plug into a writing group in my city, continue to grow this blog, and have even begun working on a book of my own! These are each incredibly exciting for me, and ways I believe the Lord has given me to share His story within my story. I am still a stay-at-home-mom and, although I still cannot cook worth a lick, I am in my element here. We still craft projects, read devotionals, and sing and dance A LOT around here- mostly in the kitchen (me) and living room (boys).

With the end of 2015 staring us in the face, we will enter 2016 with the expectancy of a new cousin for the boys (niece/nephew for B.S.M. and I), a possible new move, and lots and lots of anticipation for what the Lord has in store!

Always grateful for another year,
Family McFive
(Big Strong Man, gomommyblogger, Zeplin, Demitri, and Thatcher)

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