Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr (Day)

On Monday, January 18th, our nation celebrated the memory and good deeds of 
Martin Luther King Jr. 

 For a week prior, I asked Zep's teachers if either had any activities planned to celebrate and educate, and to make certain to send them home with Zeplin or share their ideas with me, as McFive would be out of town on that particular day, and I did not wish for Zeplin to miss out.

As it turned out, I did not have to be so concerned about his missing out on anything. Instead, I brought the celebration-education to our family.

It started with a few print-offs:
                                                                  Teachers Pay Teachers

                                  (Cannot find unedited version. Edited version below)

and some editing:

 And I ended-up with this gem:

                                (My boys wrote: "I have a dream... 'no monsters in the world'"
                                  And, "I have a dream...'Flowers and Sunshine'" -clearly at
                                            least one is a hippie like his Pappy Mark)

I did some review and quick, kid-friendly education:


and sweetness: 

And we continued our YEAR 3 MLK day traditional dessert: chocolate pudding for chocolate mustaches:
                                                        The boys get a kick out of this!

In the age of Facebook and Pintrest, there is really no need to allow such an awesome man with an incredible testimony to go unnoticed. How about you? How did you celebrate MLKjr?
It is too easy to allow such men and women, such historic moments and people, to become just another name printed in small print on the bottom of our calendar's page.
I am sharing this post because I am excited to remember "smaller" holidays and celebrate them!
How about you?


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