Friday, January 29, 2016

Healing My Body (series) Part 1: Warts

Yep. Warts. I got 'em. *sigh*

So I have decided to begin a new series. Yay! This one came around in a unique way because as I sit here, I have not one, but multiple bandages on my hands and fingers because I have a lot of warts!!!
Oh My Good-Gracious! 
This is humbling to write, so don't pity me and don't write me off as gross. I am just being real.

Two weeks ago a friend approached me. She was excited because she just purchased her "multiple uses of essential oils" book (I tweaked the name there). She was so excited, she was practically dancing. So I asked, what gives?, and she showed me her hand. Nada. 
She went on to tell me that she used Oregano e.o. on her hand where she had a wart and within 10 days, it was gone! What?! Yeah!
As she shared this with me, my mind wandered back to these two, little warts I have had on my pinky FOR YEARS! Yeah, gross. It is. I confess. 
I guess I just learned to live with them. Most days I forgot they were even there.
But then my friend had to brag about how her wart had died a real death and I was all to aware of how alive my two warts were.
It was time to take action!

Here's where this new series began to form in my mind.
When I stopped to think about it, I realized that I actually have *ahem* rather a list of "body-health issues".
Now, disclaimer:
This is not an excuse to tear myself apart. I will not write any blog posts about weight loss or "how to be more beautiful", yada-yada. This is about health.
Although the subject matter of this series will be issues I actually face, I am hoping that I can stumble across something that you, the reader, can either relate to or learn how to remain a step ahead of.

Back to my warts.
This is scary here. Brace yourself. I have a lot of warts. I mentioned that above.
Would you like to know how many? (I will give you a hint. More than 9. Less than 11. Oh brother.)
As I began inspecting my fingers and hands, I realized that I had so many sneaky little warts. It was as though they were hiding. How long were they there? Wow, I have no clue. 

Maybe you have warts (or a single wart). Before you freak out, educate yourself about what warts are, how you get them, how you can get rid of them, etc. You can begin here.
Next, consider what route you would like to take to combat them.
My friend swore on her e.o., but I am still skeptical about essential oils, so I decided to try a different route.
Enter BRAGG'S.

I am trying the A.C.V. (apple cider vinegar) method. You can read about it here.   Basically, I have band aids with cotton ball pieces, soaked in A.C.V. underneath. I first put them on today around noon, and replaced the bandages about two hours ago, at 8. (I replaced them because some bandages were falling off, and also because I was really anxious to see if they looked any different after the first few hours- which they did, as they became very white, shriveled, and stood out 100x more against the skin around them. yikes!)
I read as much information as I could online and have concluded that:
*this may sting some (which I don't yet feel)
*it may take something like a month to get results! *boo #iwantitnow (cue: Veronica Salt)
*they will eventually turn black and scab. YUCKO
*they will fall off and go away FOR-EV-ER  
*the healthy skin around the warts may take a beaten in the process
*some people say that this leaves marks, like color-distortion where the wart was :(

You can follow my chronicle of homeopathic, organic, natural, -hopeful- wart removal here at gomommyblogger. -


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