Friday, March 4, 2016

2016 Book List

2016 is here yet, and I have my book list in the making!
Are you beginning a list of your own?
As it turns out, a sweet friend of mine, Betsy, over at Chix, Party of Five, recently posted about forming a book club and I smiled because she gets it.
There are those of us who enjoy reading, and planning, and writing about them both. I feel like we are a sacred bunch.  

If any of you followed my 2015 book list, it looked like this: 2015 Book List.
As I type, I am three books from completion but have read multitudes of books in between these on my list. This post is about sharing some highlights with you.

I discovered Angela Thomas.
She spoke at the MOPS group I attend and I loved her passion. I watched Dancing with the Stars when Candace Cameron Bure was on it, and, as it turns out, she is friends with Angela Thomas and I just swooned at the sight of the two of them together. Two awesome woman of God.
So I asked around to see which of my friends had Angela Thomas books and I went to town taking it all in.
Enter When Wallflowers Dance.
I read this and loved this and sent a copy to my momma in Pennsylvania. In truth, as I read, I thought of my momma, my stepmomma, my sister, and my friend, Jen, and thought of how much each would benefit by reading.
The short of it is this: we are all, at some point or another, that lowly woman standing against the wall watching others dance and wishing -desperately- to be dancing as well. But we don't.
Because life has beaten us up.
Because we don't know how (to dance).
Because we feel foolish, insecure.
Because we don't measure up with the other dancers.
But the truth is this, in the arms of Jesus, none of that matters.
Our insecurities become secure in the truth of His Word.
Our meek and lowly selves become radiant as He makes His way across the dance floor with eyes only on us.
He is a gracious, tender leader, so not knowing the dance moves becomes obsolete.
And we no longer are consumed with the other dancers, because we have been so swept up in the love of Jesus that, suddenly, everyone and everything else fades away.
We are dancing with the Lover of our Soul.
You may also remember that I <3 Donald Miller and he gave Angela a foreword for her book (and my current read), My Single Mom Life.
What? Candace and Donald? How blessed can one girl get?

Another author, Lara Williams, made my list for 2016 when I came across her blog prior to her speaking at guessed it!... MOPS group! Since she was taking time out of her day to encourage us (and everyone who has ever been persecuted while shopping at Wal*Mart, shouts amen!), I figured it was worth my time to look her up. That is what I would do if I was studying someone, right? If I was extended an opportunity to learn something new, I would take the time to seek it out. (Especially a blogger/author/speaker... fo' schizzle!)
Mrs. Williams has many Bible studies in print, however it was her memoir about seeking God through one of the most difficult times in her life which I just knew I wanted to get my hands on. This book, To Walk or Stay: Trusting God Through Shattered Hopes and Suffocating Fears.
Well, lucky me, I do not have to wait until 2016 to read this gem as I got my hands on a copy right now! I actually read it this past weekend and wanted to share some of my highlights.

When talking about her insecurities, Lara writes:
*We look at one another trying to figure out if we're good enough. If we make the cut. If we're beautiful. And when it seems we don't.... ...we hold our breath, scanning the world for someone to out-do. Because if we could just do better than someone else, then we think we'd feel a sense of worth, even if only for a moment. (page 55)
During this most difficult time, when Lara just wanted out, she writes:
*But I wanted clear direction from my God. The stakes were too high for anything less. So I got honest with Him, desperate for His leading. And through that communing, I knew that He wasn't releasing me. I knew it. I didn't like it, but deep down I knew it. (page 73)
In regards to a friend facing a similar situation of desperation:
*"Lara, I almost missed it,".... ..."It's only by God's grace...I almost missed it." (page88)

I went on to do her Bible Study, Then Came Jesus, this past Christmas season and it was such a great study that I plan on reviewing it, perhaps every year.

Friends, sometimes you just stumble across treasures. #Godissogood

So anyway, here is my 2016 book list. If you are also interested in or have already read any of these books, please leave a comment, as I would love to do a book discussion...!

(In no particular order, although I am on book 5 of the Left Behind series, so they do fill slots 1-13)

*And It Was Beautiful: Celebrating Life in the Midst of the Long Good-Bye 
*Just Show Up: The Dance of Walking through Suffering Together 
*The Hardest Peace: Expecting Grace in the Midst of Life's Hard

These three, written by Kara Tippetts each make my "new author/cannot wait to read" criteria. 
(If you aren't familiar with Kara, I discovered her here and recommend HIGHLY that you take a few moments and read her blog entry. Kara has since passed away, but her incredibly legacy lives on. You can read more of her work -and that of her husband- at: Mundane Faithfulness )

*Scary Close, by Don Miller 

If you have been following my blog for any amount of time now, you have likely read one of my many references to Don Miller. I call him *my favorite*

*The Unveiled Wife: Embracing Intimacy with God and Your Husband, by Jennifer Smith

Jennifer is another #newbie to my book list. I listened to an interview she did with Lysa Terkeurst and so admired her story that I wanted to actually read it. #gojennifer!

*Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World, by Bob Goff

I have heard SO MUCH about this book -and it has a forward by #donmiller, score!

*Do You Think I'm Beautiful?, by Angela Thomas 

A friend of mine is currently reviewing this book in a group setting. When she advertised it on her Facebook page, women of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life came running at it!

*Reshaping It All: Motivation for Physical and Spiritual Fitness

*Balancing It All: My Story of Juggling Priorities and Purpose

*Dancing Through Life: Steps of Courage and Conviction

Each of these three are Candace Cameron Bure books, need I write more? #luuurveher

*Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith by Rob Bell

If you are unfamiliar with his name, you have my STRONG SUGGESTION to check out this site AND BE AMAZED!!

*Open Your Bible: God's Word is For You and For Now (Bible Study Book) by Raechel Myers , Amanda Bible Williams 

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