Thursday, March 17, 2016

Healing my Body: the warts have returned (Warts: part 3)

#the warts have returned
#pitiful me

So friends, the warts have, indeed, returned. *sigh* This is a learning experience and I am an honest host, so, although I have not wanted to write this post, I digress. If you missed prior posts, you can click here to read about: Healing My Body: Warts, part one, H.M.B. Warts, part two) I suppose this makes post number three. 

I wish I had something profound to share, but I truly do not. Instead, I can confide this much in you: I am giving Essential Oils another shot...and I am fighting it! My sweet friend calls herself an "oily girl" which is E.Oilese for "she who <3s E.O.". I am so skeptical!!!!

Still, this sweetheart gave me some Oregano E.O. and I am going to be giving this a try...let's hope it works better than A.C.V.!

                                                       ...not quite so...hehe...

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