Thursday, March 17, 2016

Why I Enjoy PBS (But Do Not Financially Support It)

The week before Christmas I had the privileged of  gift-wrapping at Barnes and Noble. Really, I consider it a privilege. Being that close to Christmas, the excitement of finding the "perfect gift" and the sights and sounds of the height of the was such fun!
How was I so privileged, you may ask?
It was because I volunteered through the writing group I am involved in, WGoT. B&N provides the paper and tape, and volunteers from different organizations come in to gift-wrap and collect donations. Let me tell you, Mr.-loves-him-some-Katharine-Hepburn, if only every one were as generous as you!
One of the best parts of the evening was the company I had in the form of another author-hopeful who was rather different than I (both her writing-style- poetry- and her personality). But, don't you know, it is good to be near people who are different that you.
Point in case, she challenged me, perhaps without even knowing so, to have a rebuttal as to why it is I do not financially support PBS, or Public Broadcasting Service.
First, allow me to back up. I enjoy PBS and am very thankful for it. McFive is most certainly on the thrifty side and cable is a luxury we do not have. YOU HEARD THAT CORRECTLY! Now, free tv, free we can afford. Bring-on the stations we can get with our little antennae, about 30 in all, and we've got our television selections! One of the best, we have found, is PBS.

Our boys have learned to count time by "Cat in the Hats" (which means 15 mins.), love, love, love Super Why, and we have all learned so much through Wild Kratts

Now, let me state this: we do not agree with every program on PBS, even the kid's PBS. There are some commercials I could live without hearing over and over, but others I adore (hello, Mr. Roger's Mix-up!)


OK< back to the point :) We began talking Downton Abbey  and Call the Midwife (which made my list of BEST OF 2015), and realized we had such mutual admiration for each of the shows. #fantastictelevisionprograming

When she asked me if I financially support PBS, I think the stun of it caught me off guard. Prior to PBS-talk, I had shared with her my love of Jesus and so admitting I did not financially support it sounded wrong. Like in some way I wasn't walking what I was preaching. 
I suppose that conversation left me feeling pitiful, and I found myself walking through the "why nots".
So here it is: To support anything you feel enjoyment, conviction, and/or influence over is likely a good thing. There are, however, hundreds and thousands of causes in this great big world. Because of this, as much as I would like to support PBS, K-Love, Joyce Meyer's Ministries, and many others, God has placed me into a marriage where our finances are mutual. I do not walk apart from my husband. We are also stewards of the finances given us (same with time), and so we have to tell the money where to go and pray about all things. 
In the short of all that: we support a delightful boy through World Vision and lovely girl through Food for the Hungry. We also support Mercury One (#NeverAgainIsNow) and Operation Underground Railroad. The Lord has placed these children and these ministries on our hearts.
I recommend you ask Him to guide you. Your finances, your time, your emotions and efforts. 

If I had thought this through prior to the Barnes & Noble-PBS question, I would have replied with integrity and dignity: I do not support PBS financially. It is a great station, and I am thankful for it, but the Lord has lead my husband and I in a different journey and we are diligent, excited, and grateful to be team members with these alternative organizations (ministries).

Do you support PBS or any of the organizations listed above? What have been your experiences? What would you say to someone who asks you "why or why not"?


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