Thursday, May 5, 2016

3Cs (Bible Study Prep List)

Summer is approaching, ya'll!
I know, I know, Spring is here (and the rain is proof- beautiful, WONDERFUL proof!). I don't want to rush Spring, it is simply this eager anticipation for the next season of life for which I pull out all these exclamation points! (!!!!!!)

Here's the deal. Today was my last day at BSF (Bible Study Fellowship). :(
AWANAS has only two weeks remaining.
Soccer and our gym membership at the YMCA are over.
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is almost over.
School for Zep is ending in a few weeks.

So then this thing called "free time" looms in the horizon.
I can see it, almost touch it.
But for people like me, I am afraid of it. I like my calendar filled and I really like feeling important. So much to do.... 

In God's grace, as He is so full of it, Big Strong Man and I decided to postpone our gym membership so we could save some money. #bittersweet
Summer=things to do/places to go/people to see.
All of this=cash, money.

Before saying "sayonara", however, I felt as though the Lord had impressed on me to offer my time, house, and resources and invite the gym to my house for a Bible study. Oh, yeah.
So, by "gym", I mean, those I had befriended at the gym. Some are Christians, others are not. Some are walking it, others aren't even sure what "walking it" means. It is so very exciting!

Today at BSF, Susie, our lecturer, mentioned this thing that happens so easily to us. The summer comes and we get tired and preoccupied and our passion for Jesus is forgotten in between camp fires and beaches, carnivals and bikinis. We just lose focus.
We compromise.
We compare.
We compete.

Lord knows I am busy....
I go to church more than she does....
I want to live for You but....

Ms. Sally, my group leader, asked our group today if anyone was planning a summer Bible study. Excitedly I exclaimed, I am!!

                                                           photo credit
(I want this to be my girlfriends and I:)

Are you involved in a Bible study this summer? Do you have a church home and a small group or a cell group to attend? Are you wanting to go deeper into the things of God? To experience Him. To love Him more than before?

Although we haven't yet met for our study, we are in the preparation season.

Do you need help to plan a Bible Study? Here is a simple list of ideas for you:
*chose your audience. who do you want to attend? friends? certain ones or open house?
*chose your study: Book Study (chose a book in the Bible, i.e. Acts), character study (chose a  character from the Bible to study, i.e. Ester), a character traits study (chose a trait, i.e. bravery)
*pick a time, duration, and location
*game on!

What studies and activities are you pursuing this summer?

(once we decided, I'll try to get back on here and share with all-ya'll!)-

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