Friday, June 24, 2016

Dear Bruce Springsteen

Dear Bruce Springteen,

My friend Sarah's mother adores you.
Not to say that I don't enjoy your music, I do. I really like I'm On Fire, and I totally get Eric Church's, Springsteen.

But that is not why I am out of bed, writing you.

It is because you came to my mind and my heart this morning and I could not shake you. I could not shake this post.
So I am up, out of bed while my children sleep, writing you.
Watching news clips and looking up YouTube videos.

Dear Bruce Springsteen, I live in North Carolina.
Back in April you cancelled a show here. You cancelled it because of your convictions, your believes. At least that is my presumption.
I am also a woman of convictions, believes, but I am not writing this to express those. I am writing this in regards to your thousands of fans. Those who were denied your concert. Because I think of some things.
I think about how you are adding to the segregation. And I wonder if you realize that.

In stead of bringing opponents and supporters -people- together, you help to expand the divide.

Or how you likely lost fans, people who enjoy your music so much but no doubt feel the burn. People who are hurt.

I suppose you can do things like this, take a stand against segregation while you, yourself, segregate. You are the Boss, after all. You can do what you want.

But that is also not why I am writing. Fancy words in print don't warrant a good post. I am writing because I forgive you.
Yes, I wrote that.

I happen to think that being passionate about anything is better than being passionate about nothing. In your mind and heart, you have done what you felt was best. You made your stand. In essence, you both shouted and whispered your stand.

Dear Bruce Springsteen, you are clearly in a position of influence.
Do you feel that your influence was used wisely?
No one here has any doubt about your feelings in regards to House Bill 2. (Not familiar? Read here.)

I read your response (watch/read here), and I am in agreement with you when you said, "It is the strongest means I have for raising my voice in opposition to those who continue to push us backwards instead of forwards.".
But I am not satisfied.

And you don't know me. You are not responsible to me.
But I think I write on behalf of a great many others as well. Many, dedicated fans.

With great power comes great responsibility.
And you are in a position of great power and hold a loud voice.
A voice which can shake mountains.

And you are responsible for your voice. For every word you express.

Dear Bruce Springsteen, do you believe in your heart of hearts that this stance brings glory to God? That this stance is one to unify, to heal, and to promote healthy citizens?
I am not asking for your opinions of transgender people, nor hetero/homo/bisexual people. I am asking for your most sincere feelings about what this does to bring people closer to God.
Do you believe in God?
I read that you were born Catholic but now state to be agnostic. If this is true, the latter, then you may hold no weight in my spiel about bringing people closer to God.
It just seems to me that this is the one common thread we all hold: we will die. Every last one of us.
If God does exist, what are we doing as individuals, as a people group (Americans, for instance), and as people of influence (of which you have much), to bring people closer to Him?
And what does that mean to you?

Dear Bruce Springsteen, you have a great many talents. Gifts.
And with that, your great responsibilities.
I hope you use your pedestal wisely.
With conviction.

Dear Bruce Springsteen, you have the power of life and death in your tongue. With your voice you sing, you speak, and you story tell. With your tongue, you can bring healing. Hope.

With sincerest well-wishes and a prayer that you find God in all His glory,

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