Friday, September 2, 2016

Taste Testing the World: Exotic Family Dinner Reviews (Part 1)

Yay! I really enjoy shopping at Aldi, don't you?
I have found SO MANY great items there over the years and feel like I really get a decent deal on -almost- everything!
(You can scroll to the bottom to see some of my favorite Aldi items.)

While shopping there yesterday with Demitri and Thatcher (Zeplin was in Kindergarten), I found a few items which really caught my interest:  These "Journey to ... flavors of the world" meals.

So I grabbed a few:

                                                           India, anyone?


And decided, why not try one tonight?

Tikka Masala, meal kit.

So...I thought it would be fun and educational to introduce new food items from around the world to my beloved. And I thought it would be interesting to do a review based on everyone's opinion.

                                                                   The judges:

                                                                    My Big Strong Man:





OK, so, last night...
I asked my Big Strong Man for a number between 1 (amazing!) through 10 (never again!) and he said this:
I will finish my plate.
Come again?
Can I get a number, please?
But his response was enough for me to understand that he liked it enough to finish it, but not enough to request it- ever.

Even after getting out our globe and showing our sons where India is located and explaining how this meal would be very common if they were raised there, our boys could not be persuaded.
Zeplin and Demitri had the same response: they flat-out refused to eat it. We did bribe them with dessert to try a single bite, which they eventually did (after a long bout of "I don't like it...").
They ate a single bite each.

Thatcher ate some. He and I typically share our meal and he was interested enough to look for more, but after a few bites he turned his cheek to me.

My thoughts: delicious!!!! I could eat spicy food like that about every other day and love it! As a matter of fact, after dinner was over, I scooped everyone's left overs into a Tupperware dish and saved it for today's lunch. Yum!!!

So, here's the review:
1.5/5 stars
we added plain yogurt to the top to help with the bite
I will eat this again!

Look for part two!

Favorite Aldi products:
Yum, Coconut coffee creamer. Better than Nestle!
Simply Nature granola (Pumpkin and Flax is an A+!)
pumpkin tortilla chips
Choceur  dark chocolate covered Pomegranates and Acai Berries
Fit & Active Soutwest Veggie frozen sandwiches
mango and salsa, salsa

What do you eat and love from Aldi??!!

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