Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Great Fall Deals at RUE...how I walked away with FREE heels and earings

One of my dearest friends, the one who was first my "enemy" because we both liked the same boy in school...or thought we did, until we realized we didn't.
This dear friend came to the apartment I was living in the morning before I left for Germany the first time with a scrapbook she had made of the two of us.
*she did not want me to forget about her*
And obsessed over Eminem's "Stan" before the rest of the world had a clue.
Her name is Denise. *hi, Denise*

Denise went to RUE21 the other day and I know this even though we live 7 hours and 4 states away from one another because she posted a picture on Facebook and I saw said picture and read the comment.
She was not impressed :(

In the spirit of making old things new...or redeeming RUE (oh, #redeemingRUE...that could be a thing!), I wanted to share this HECKA GREAT deal I scored there the other night!

These are my FREE, open-toed, way-cute, did I mention FREE?? RUE21 heels!!!

I went in search of rain boots...and to scour their clearance rack where I have found some AMAZING deals!
The rain boots were a no-go.
But I did find some way cute booties and snatched them right up. They cost $35 but the sign above the shoes read: buy one, get one for $10.
For only $10, I best look for another pair, right?
So I did, and I found these way cute, open toed, slip on heels and was excited. #gome

After checking the clearance rack and finding nada (it's hit and miss, girls), I approached the counter with my two pair of shoes.

My total was $45, right?
Quick math tells me yes.
Until this.

The girl at the register tells me that if I get something for $5, she can take $20 off.
Come again?

By spending $50, RUE is taking $20 off.
It's an bloody fantastic deal which GAVE ME MORE for LESS!!!

In the end, I got discounted booties ($30, not $35), FREE heels, and I snatched some hoop earrings I had been eyeing up which were also FREE!!

If you are like Denise and had a less-than-satisfactory experience at RUE, I would like to leave you with this encouragement.
I am a thrifty shopper.

Because of this, I shop thrift stores and clearance racks.
Many times I walk away with nothing.
But many other times...when the sun in just right in the sky and my aura is inviting...I find something really, really good.
And it reminds me that the hunt is that much more rewarding.
And that aura and sun stuff is just baloney.

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