Monday, October 10, 2016

Peeny Butter Fudge: Book review

We try to make a weekly trip to our local library.
We are blessed with about a dozen INCREDIBLE libraries in our immediate location.

One of the most remarkable features our libraries offer is that each has its own attraction.
One houses a giant ship for the children to play in; another, a bird's nest; still others, a club house, and a play house.  AMAZING!!

We  load up and I carry a tote which can easily handle about 15 books. We usually bring home about 20+  ...which means my arms are aching, the tote, overflowing, and our chances of finding a real gem (a story to top all stories), increases dramatically.

That is how we discovered
Just One More
and Flat Stanley...And that's how we discovered
Peeny Butter Fudge.

What a cute book! It is fun and it is cultural. It is a sweet book to read AND includes a sweet recipe in the back of the book! (Admittedly, this is why I am posting about it.)

We read lots of cute books. Lots of diverse and educational books.
Not many of the books offer an additional way to enjoy them -NOT MANY BOOKS INVITE YOU TO JOIN THE CHARACTERS AND EAT FUDGE ALONGSIDE THEM!!

So, what's a family to do?

We read about this family and the love of fudge which is passed form generation. We read about the characters getting it just right. And then we come to the end.
Mouths watering.
Stomachs growling.

And what to our wondering eyes should appear?
Can this be the recipe our new book-friends were just enjoying?
Could this be a real family recipe, so kindly shared with the readers?

How could we resist?

We couldn't.
And so we prepared a batch of Peeny Butter Fudge. (LOOK BELOW!!!)
And we enjoyed every bite.

Thank you, Toni and Slade Morrison!

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