Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Zep Loves Momma

Friends, it has been sooooo long and life has been soooo rich!
Naturally this means I need to write!!
Just like running and reading, I have discovered that hobbies I truly enjoy (like blogging) are soon neglected if not nurtured. 

But this keeps happening over and over and I DO NOT want to forget, so here I am.
You're welcome.

Zeplin has decided he is going to marry me! *sigh*
He has begun this innocent and lovely and entirely adorable series of telling me how he is going to marry me.
...because then I can be his personal driver forever.
...because he wants to live in my house forever.
...because Demitri had self-decided to marry Big Strong Man, so, well, naturally....

These children are too much!
Both Zeplin and Demitri have recently begun karate and are kicking it!

We are living up north in a amazing home which we think is just the coolest!
Zeplin is in Montessori school which makes me squeal because *admittedly* I am just a wee-bit more excited than even he is.
The big guys are plugged back in to AWANAS, and tomorrow the two youngest will go with me to our first MOPS meeting.
We are settling in.

Here is to the first post of 2017...may my next not take three more months!

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