Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Hello *Hellos*

Have you heard of Lisa Leonard Designs?

Well, I did, but only recently.

I have a new family doctor. My doctor. And I enjoyed meeting her and telling her about myself: mind and body.
We laughed.
I cried.

While she was typing, I happened to notice these attractive stacked rings she wore which had something inscribed on them.
I felt comfortable with her, so, after trying in vain to read them, I simply asked,
"What do your rings say?"

She had three.
One had her name.
The next, the date of her wedding.
The final, the name of her husband.

It was sweet and I new it was special to her.
She asked if I had heard of Lisa Leonard Designs. I had not.


The next evening I was sitting on my couch and I remembered the name. My maiden name was Leonard so it was relatively easy to remember.
Actually, I was hoping to find out that we were somehow related and she was going to offer me a free set of stacked rings.
That didn't happen.

But still, I looked all over her site because there is SO MUCH which is just SO NICE and creative was jewelry I would wear. Jewelry I would like to own. 

I became super interested and noticed she had a blog and decided to check it out.
Clearly, I like blogs.

She has a beautiful and inspiring life story she shares about her life as a mother of two sons; one with a syndrome leaving him with "only two fingers on his left hand and a massive heart defect".

You can read her blog here

One of the things I LOVED LOVED LOVED about her writing style is this gift she offers called "hellos". 

"It’s a brand new week, how about some hellos?"

After this, she proceeds to recount the beauty she sees in life:
The flower blooming; 
Her son's laughing; 
a new table she is so grateful for. 

It encouraged me. 
I also want to write hellos. 
Thank you, Lisa Leonard. 

It is Wednesday night, how about some hellos?
Hello last day of taking Amoxicillin for my Strep throat. 
Hello hearing a sweet friend preach. 
Hello for trying out a new mini group at church and meeting new people.
Hello shared laughter about old-school church stuff.
Hello new chevron curtains in yellow and white.
Hello two nose bleeds in one day and the precious 4-year-old who let me hold him through them.
Hello big kid who found a prized penny and later donated it -without any prompts- to St. Judes for babies born with difficulties.  
Hello Big Strong Man who gave me a fist bump which made me feel like we were the only two members of a really cool duo. 
Hello getting in touch with so many people I enjoyed doing life with at the Dream Center on a really long Facebook thread. 
Hello Lisa Leonard, and the countless many you inspire. 

All my love, 

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