Friday, June 9, 2017

Natural Face Cleaner

My face has never been the poster-face of clear, beautiful skin.
This post is a quickie and I decided to post it in the event it can help another. Maybe you. 

A freind of a friend of a friend...has beautiful, flawless, Romanian skin.
She happens to be the daughter-in-love of a dear friend of mine and my friend was bragging about her d-i-l's skin and I was all, tell me more. Tell me everything. 
Turns out, she uses coconut oil to clean her face and then honey to remove blackheads. 

So, I decided to give this a try and have exciting news- it works!
No, my face is not flawless, still. 
Yes, I still have blackheads. 
But I did notice a difference almost immediately and have been happy with the results. 
Also, both the oil and honey are organic and raw and edible- aka, no crazy ingredients and/or garbage in them. ...and they don't cost a fortune, either.
A girl can appreciate that!

So, in the event you appreciate a walk-through, here goes.

*Rinse you face with water and add a little bit of coconut oil to it.
*Rub this in circular motions all over your face and neck- focusing mostly on the areas you apply make-up to, even eye make-up. Yes, you can rub this directly to your eye lids with eyes closed. (And it looks wild when you see all the gunk surround your eyes like you've become a raccoon or menace. PLUS, kids get a kick out of this new look, too!)
*Rinse this off with water and pat fry.
*Next, apply the honey where you get blackheads.
If you can allow this to sit for a little while before rinsing, that is ideal. (I sometimes spend this time taking my night-time medication, and flossing and brushing my teeth.)
*After a few mins., rinse this all off and pat dry.
*NOW, a beautician friend of mine told me that this is a great was to remove grime from one's face (think of how a Biore pore strip attaches to and pulls away the dirt), this is what the honey has done. To keep these pores from getting dirty once again, she recommended putting another, thin, layer of oil back on top. This serves as a barrier between the skin and the environment.

Not only doe this make skin soft, any residue on the fingers can be rubbed into the hands and this acts as a nice lotion.

One thing to keep in mind, this is oil and it WILL stain. Make sure to rub it all in and allow time to dry. 

What do you think? Are you interested in trying this? Have any pointers?
Let me know!

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